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(Hopes pov)

I was at the old mill waiting I already had everything set up but still couldn't stop thinking about Landon

Hey Josie said surprising me

Woah you look amazing I said while giving her a hug

Thank you she smiled

I then took her hand and led her to her seat

Everything looks so beautiful Hope did you have any help with anything

No I did it all by my self I'm a tribrid after all I laughed

Well I love it it's just so perfect she said while walking around

You wanna know what else is perfect?

What she said turning around

You I said then rushing to kiss her she never hesitated to kiss back

I care for you a lot Hope she whispered

I care for you too I just thought it was her secret way of saying she loves me but thats way too soon.

(Lizzie's pov)

I walked to the old mill to see Hope and Josie in each others arms laughing jealousy was flooding my body Hope then got up I heard her say she was going to the bathroom so I had to hurry up and go but I was caught

Oh hi Liz

Liz? I mumbled enjoying that nickname

What'd you say she questioned

Nothing hey I quickly said

What are you doing out so late don't tell me you were spying on me and Josie she laughed

I stiffened as she said that no of course not that would be very weird Hope I laughed

Well I'm going to the bathroom and then getting back to my date she said

Okay see you around Hope I said I then walked to my room everything about this just makes me mad is it not obvious how I feel about Hope I screamed into my pillow while crying


Go away I yelled

I can't do that they said while opening the door

Mg of course it's you

I'm always here for you that's why

Well how about for once you leave me alone

You seem like you don't wanna be alone Lizzie I see it on your face

Can I tell you a secret Mg

Of course he said while sitting on my bed to listen

I like Hope I whispered knowing he could still hear me

Woah so you and Landon are in a competition huh he chuckled

Not only me and Landon I sighed thinking about Josie and Hope

Well then who else


Josie likes Hope?!

She always has longer then me and Landon I stand no chance it's my twin after all all I want is for her to be happy

Well it's obvious you think you can't get Hope

But who knows maybe it's you two that's meant to be

But Josie and Hope seem so good together

Who knows Lizzie just care for your self right now and give them space

Okay I'll try

(3 months later)

I've been giving them space I've gotten pretty good at it too

Josie says I'm acting weird but I still have to wake up caring for Hope they are dating now Josie made it official.

(Hope pov)

Lizzie's been avoiding me I've decided today is the day that stops classes were finished and Josie had stuff to do so I was free so I walked to her room and knocked

Who is it

I didn't answer and knocked again

She quickly answered the door

Hope? She said acting like she seen a ghost

I walked into her room slamming the door behind me furious

What the hell Lizzie I yelled

What she said quietly

You have been ignoring me for three damn months and I didn't do anything I said walking towards her making her back up

I have the perfect explanation

And what is your explanation I yelled she put her hands in front of me to stop me but it didn't work

Uhm I was going through something

Like what I said while her back finally hit the wall

She tried moving but I pulled her back your not leaving until you tell me what's wrong

She then started to look at me and said I like you okay that's what happened

I never moved you liked me?

Yes she said looking away but you were with Josie and I want her to be happy so please don't tell her

Who else knows?

Only Mg and well now you know

Wow only Mg.

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