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(Hopes pov)

(Hours later)

I woke up catching my breathe and seen my dad vamp speed towards me

Hope! Your okay he said happily

Why would I be okay dad

Mikael he ripped your heart out right in front of me and I was powerless to stop him

Dad it's okay I'm here now

Lizzie she left

What why

Because you were dead she had nothing to stay for she left hours ago Hope

I thought hard about what I was going to say next

Don't tell her I'm alive

What? Hope come on now

Don't tell her that's the best way to keep her safe from our family drama

Hope if Lizzie was to ever find out she would be so devastated

That's the thing she won't find out I'll keep an eye on her just from a distance

Fine Hope it's your life live it

Dad so am I in transition

Yes love you are that's basically the worst part you have to feed on an innocent human

I went outside into an alleyway and fed on someone it was my first time ever doing it and I felt fantastic I was so fast I could be anywhere in a second the first place I went to was the Salvatore school I seen Lizzie sleeping

Hey Liz I know you think I'm dead right now but I'm okay you just won't know that I gave her a kiss on the cheek and left.

(Lizzie's pov)

It felt like someone was talking to me so I started waking up but no one was there

Lizzie Josie said I didn't know you were coming back so soon

Neither did I

Well uh why are you back here so soon

Hopes dead I whispered

Lizzie I didn't hear you what'd you say?

Hopes dead I cried

She's what I didn't even get to apologize for hurting her

(1 year later)

(Hopes pov)

It's been a year since I've seen Lizzie or anyone from the Salvatore school we haven't heard from Mikael either

Hope Marcel said


There's an attack at the Salvatore school right now we have to go I was the first one there and seen monsters everybody else showed up behind me

What the hell Klaus whispered

Me and Marcel are going to check inside of the school and vamp speeded inside

You go to the right and I'll go to the left Marcel said

I was looking around carefully and I seen Lizzie laughing and playing with Mg I felt like killing Mg at that moment but Marcel was now behind me

Hope there's nothing here we can go now

Okay I sighed

You could always talk to her and compel her to forget

No she doesn't deserve that

She doesn't deserve you lying to her for a whole year Hope I then vamp speeded to Lizzie and Josie's room but Lizzie walked in

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