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(Josie's pov)

Hey Lizzie how was your date?

It was good she smiled

So what happened when you saw Hope today?

Josie don't play like that


You know Hopes been dead for like a year and I'm just now getting it over it really

You've been compelled Lizzie I started to chant a spell and Lizzie started screaming in pain

(20 mins later)

Lizzie was sleep on her bed

(The next day)

Lizzie had woken up and was furious

I can't believe she did that I just got her back and she did that she yelled I'm going to New Orleans and kicking her ass


I remember I remember her compelling me and Mg

So your going to New Orleans?


I'm coming with you I smiled

(4 hours later)

(Hopes pov)

I was laying in my bed thinking about what could've happened if I didn't lie to Lizzie everything would be so different she wouldn't be with Mg right now she would be with me

Hope what's wrong Hayley said

Nothing mom I'm just a little upset about Lizzie

It's been a year sweetie and it's just now taking an impact on you?

It's been taking an impact on me mom not being able to hug and love Lizzie is like my heart being ripped out every second

Hope my dad said while hugging my mom everything will be okay love I promise

There's someone at the door can you go get it Klaus Hayley said

No problem he said going down stairs to get the door

Hope! It's for you my dad yelled me and my mom walked down stairs to see Lizzie and Josie

Shit I said

Yeah shit Mikaelson you have alot of explaining to do Josie was just there smiling like a kid

Hi Hope Josie said

Hey Jo

(Hope and Lizzie were in Hopes room)

Why the hell do you keep saying it was for my safety Hope

Because that's exactly what it was for to keep you safe away from any type of harm!

What don't you understand I don't care if I'm not safe when I'm with you she said walking towards me

And why is that

Because I love you Hope she kissed me after that she was sitting on my lap while I was sitting on my bed all of sudden the door opened and Lizzie hurried to get off of me it was Rebekah at the door

Get out I yelled while throwing a pillow at her

She couldn't stop laughing just to let you dinners ready if you haven't already had it she started laughing harder and closed the door

That is so embarrassing Lizzie said while getting up I then started laughing

Shut up there was a knock at the door

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