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(Landon's pov)

Hey MG I said

Hey Lan you know Hope's birthday party is tonight right

Yeah I know she wouldn't even want me there if we are being honest

I don't know man maybe you could win her back every one knows you still want her

I do but it isn't meant to be one of us is going to get hurt

How about this Landon almost everyone wants love to be exciting painful and well worthy nobody wants something boring like coming home to the same I love you we are in this together crap

I then sighed and said it's been 5 weeks who knows she could've moved on

Landon who could she have moved on too?

I don't know

Exactly so go get your girl back MG said while patting my back

(Hopes pov)

I thought hard about what Lizzie said and decided I'm going to go because all of a sudden I didn't want to disappoint Josie or Lizzie so I put on my dress and did my make up

(1 hour later)

I heard music start and people talking and yelling so that meant it was time for me to go to the party I never asked for so then I walked downstairs to see Josie and Lizzie staring at me

Josie stuttered while saying you look beautiful Hope

Thank you I said while looking at Lizzie who couldn't even speak Lizzie I said while tapping her shoulder

Huh oh sorry you look wonderful Hope she said and quickly walked away.

(Lizzie pov)

I quickly went to the bathroom I felt like I couldn't breathe correctly after seeing Hope I could tell Josie felt the same I then splashed water on my face messing up my make up but I didn't really care I dried my face off the bathroom door swung open

Lizzie MG said

I then started to yell MG what the hell are you doing in the girls bathroom!

Listen I have an explanation a good one

What is it?

Landon needs our help to get Hope back

What did you just say?

I'm pretty sure you heard me

So you want me to help the boy that put her through the heartbreak she's in now?

That's exactly what I want you to do what's wrong with that?

I can't help you with that and I refuse to let it happen I said storming off.

(Josie's pov)

I was talking with Hope admiring her beauty until Landon and MG came next to us when Hope saw Landon she quickly turned to me for help

Landon what are you doing here Lizzie puts signs everywhere specifically saying no hobbits aloud Hope than chuckled a little bit

Hope Landon said

What do you want she said

I know what I said was unforgivable and wrong and just terrible but please forgive me okay I want us to have another shot I want you back he said while reaching for her hands she then jolted back

I could see Lizzie coming towards us angrily

(Lizzie pov)

I walked towards MG Josie Landon and Hope I seen Landon tried to hug Hope and I quickly pushed him back

You don't get to come back here and try to win her back after breaking her heart the way you did

Josie then took Hope up to her room as I lectured Landon and MG telling them they should know better

(40 mins later)

(Hope's pov)

I was crying very hard while in Josie's arms

It's okay Hope let it all out I'm here for you

I'm sorry for ruining your dress I can buy you another one I said while calming down

Hope she laughed it's just a silly dress I have many dresses

But I want to replace the one I messed up there's make up all on it

I don't care I have multiple dresses Hope losing one isn't going to mean anything

You sure?

I'm very sure she said while leaning in our lips then connected sooner or later we are making out on my bed.

(Lizzie pov)

I already drunk two full bottles of whiskey so I was pretty drunk I was walking towards the kitchen when I seen Hope in a long t shirt that stopped right above her knees

Hi Hope

Hey Lizzie what are you doing up she said while walking towards me

I could ask you the same thing

I'm getting something to eat now it's time for you to answer

I don't know I've been up for a while

That's almost obvious the smell of whiskey is all over you she giggled

I slowly smiled and gave her a kiss on the cheek goodnight Hope.

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