Chapter 10 The infirmary

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You walk out of your room the guys had given you with great pride in yourself. A physical huh, you thought. "There's nothing wrong with me! Not one bit." Your anxiety started to creep in on you when visiting the Medic. What if he wants to give me a shot?  "There had better be some candy or something afterward because you know for damn sure I am extrinsically motivated." You make turns throughout the building, the corridors seeming longer and longer as you pass by doors and exits. You look up at the exit signs, "last chance to leave I guess, although i'm not so sure what i'm so worried about..." Demoman passes by. "Aye lass, are ya lost?" You reply by saying, a little bit. He offers to lead you to the room and you accept. The two of you walk down the halls, making a left turn, then suddenly, the large doors with little circular windows on them appear before you. "Ya knoe if you want me to stay with ya I could, the docta can be a little cold sometimes." "Oh I'll be alright, it's nothing I haven't dealt with before." 

As you open the doors you are met with a familiar scent of hospital aroma. The cabinets all aligned, the counters clean as a whistle, and the beds with IV drips and medical equipment next to them. There's even a window by the far side of the walls letting in a little bit of sunlight showing the rocks and boulders nearby. There are pictures of skeletons on the wall and depictions of the nervous system. It's as nice as a medical bay could be. "Y/N, please, do come in." You moved about the room,  glancing at the examination table he had nearby. You wonder what might be happening on that table. "My name is Medic, you will address me as so. Today ve vill be performing a basic physical examination to make sure you are fit for battle." When you had applied for the job here, your duties were to 'assist and shadow a trained professional,' anything about battle was a complete mystery to you, so far you had no clue and assumed he was exaggerating. In the Army you were only just starting to learn about medicine, never got to actually help anyone. Medic was in a lab coat and some brownish, grey pants. His shirt had a little red tie poking out from the top. Professional. 

"So...whats gonna happen? Are you going to give me any shots?" He could sense the distress in your voice. "Just sit tight on this table right here. Ve vill get started immediately." You swallow, dreading what might happen here. He might have to take some blood, you thought. You hop up on the table and he stands next to you with a clipboard and a pen. "Just to get started, I vill ask you a couple of questions..."

"How often do you exercise?"
"Not so much, I do like to take walks outside though, when it's not too hot."

"Do you drink or use any drugs?"
"I have used the good ol' Mary Jane in the past, but nothing right now."

You felt so old saying it like that, you tried to be cool. He just rolled his eyes a bit and smacked his lips. How dramatic.

"What is your diet and sleep like?"
"I eat regularly, like anyone else I suppose. My sleep could be better; I often turn a lot in my sleep, it could be my anxiety or something."
"I see, and do you get anxious fairly often? Maybe ve could get you some of that Mary Jane you vere talking about.." He writes something down and looks up from his glasses with a smirk. 

"Oh ha ha." 

"Alright, now lets get that blood pressure going." He actually seems happy and excited about his job. I don't know what the other guys were talking about. 

He puts the device on your arm. The sudden contact wakes you up a bit from your daze. He is very delicately adjusting the device to your arm, making sure it's right. It squeezes the life out of you, putting a lot of pressure on your arm. You made an uncomfortable face.

"It's almost done." He cooed 

The way he studies you and the device working made you feel calm. His features so focused, yet so relaxed. He has done this before. 

With the release of the device, you are relieved of the pressure it set on you. 

"All ve have to do now is get your veight and height." You start to ask him something. "Are you German? Your accent is pretty noticeable." He responds, "Ah yes Kurze, (short one) I am from Deutschland. I moved to Teufort when I was young and started vorking here as a doctor. I like it a lot doing this kind of zhing. I can do lots of stuff to the human body you vouldn't normally do! Once, I put a little brain inside of Demomans leg to see what that does, and he goes out into battle and absolutely kills!" He laughs after this fact. 

It's own little brain, huh. 

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