Chapter 8 Not exactly morning people

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"WAKE UP MAGGOTS, ENGIE IS MAKING US SOME BREAKFAST." "Oh come on man! Some of us ain't exactly mornin' people ya know!"
You could hear soldier playing his trumpet as loud as he possibly could over the sounds of groaning. Even if these guys do go through hard training and battles almost every day, they're still normal people. Your eyes blinded by the sun rising over the hills in the distance on the hot summer day. Hearing that Soldier wasn't going to stop, you opened the blinds and sat up on your bed. Sniper had given you some red bunny slippers the day before to wear while walking on the wooden floors. Very odd for a guy to give you these but it was cool. You slipped them on and put your hair into a bun, still wearing your pajamas looking as cute as ever.
As you were walking over to the table you could already smell the glorious breakfast being made. You sat next to sniper since no one else was here yet. "Man, Engie must be the best at cooking, that stuff smells so good!" You said, Sniper shaking his head in disagreement with a smile. "Now if you want a real breakfast you should come by ma place. I'll make ya the best you've eva had!" You suddenly heard a plate being set down from inside the kitchen, like if the person was angry. Then Engie stuck his head out from the doorway and said a few things. "Now listen here mister, I make THE BEST, and I do mean THE BEST pancakes in the history of history. So why don't you run along now and stop tellin' fibs." He ended his sentence with a smile and went back to his pancakes. Pyro was back there too so you hear them kind of giggle about what just happened.
Suddenly Demo-man, Heavy, Scout and Spy come into the dining room, saying good morning to everyone. All of them wearing the clothes they slept in except for spy, he was wearing his suit already at 7 in the morning. You look at him and say: "Isn't that uncomfortable wearing that suit all day? I mean you just got up." He just looked at you in annoyance. "Jeez, sorry I asked, it was just a question."
"Aye lassie, it's best not to talk to him in the mornin', he always acts like he's got a foot up 'is arse." You laugh a bit and spy comes over to Demo-man and slaps the back of his head. Demo-man still laughs about it and so do you.
"Alrighty then fellas-and uh...darlin', breakfast is ready." Engie came out with stacks of pancakes and bacon and set them all out on the table.
"Thanks hard hat." "Engineer is credit to team!"
"Much appreciated laborer." "Thanks mate." "Mm mph!"
"Oh that's gonna taste betta than me scrumpy!" "Thanks engie, these look great."
As everyone was about to eat, when suddenly Medic and Soldier walked in. "Sorry ve're late everyone, somebody woke me up in the middle of zhe night asking me to give him a new hand..." "I WAS BLEEDING PROFUSELY." "Oh please, you had a paper-cut! Ugh, anyvay lets just sit down."
Everyone was sitting down now, Engie was so glad that everyone was happy with what he made. Smiles all around and the smell of pancakes and bacon went throughout the building. It was such a nice sight to see people who basically go to war everyday sit down and enjoy a meal together like a family. You could hear the clanking of silverware and the occasional laughter. You let out a sigh of happiness and joy with a smile.  You started wondering if these guys would ever treat you like they treat each other and how they fought for each other every day, spending time with everyone, having fun and whatnot.
"So how about it? Vould you like to start today?"
"Wait what?"
"I said vould you like to start training vis us. If you are going to verk vis me you are going to have to learn vhat I do."
"Oh um...sure, when would you want to be together? Not in like...a weird relationship way, just to uh, have me learn with you."
You could see Spy laughing from across the table, dropping his fork while doing so. Damn him. He probably told Medic all about you already. "Oh madame." Spy still laughing in the background. Your face burned from the scene, face as red as a rose. You covered your eyes and cheeks in attempt to hide your face.
You speak still covering your face. "Y-yes Medic we can start today. I'll be in my room for a bit okay guys?"
You stood up from the table picking up your plate, thanking engie for the breakfast you head back to your room.
As you stepped in your room you quickly shut the door and flopped onto your bed. You started talking to yourself looking up at the celling.
"Listen me, if you're going to be working with this guy you can't let him do this to you. You're not gonna be awkward around him...even if he is the most handsome guy...and you're not going to let spy get under your skin. You're just going to do your job and that's it. UGH."

Hey guys, the author here. I just want your opinion on something. Would you prefer me cutting the story a bit and skipping to the "you and medic get together" part or just stick with what I'm doing.  My original plan was to stretch everything out and make it a longer story and add in some lovely parts. (Maybe about toast or something)

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