Chapter 12 Key lime

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After some time, you got to know the others in Teufort. You helped Engineer with his machines, you had a tea party with Pyro, Heavy showed you his favorite things about Sasha, his beloved gun, and you talked with Sniper about how to properly shoot and carry a rifle. Spy even showed you how to use his invis watch. It was fun going around the base spooking people because you were invisible. You made him laugh. Soldier likes to get up as early as possible to start the day right with his trumpet and bread, so you joined him one day to eat some. Demo and Scout like to play cards a lot so they showed you some gambling tricks from time to time.

But Medic?

He likes to talk to you the most. He likes to ask you questions about your future plans and how you managed to start working with the guys here. He is the most polite out of the 9 men here and he still manages to be a good doctor in between. He shows you how he takes care of his bird Archimedes and he tells you tales of Germany. You two often sit next to each other when breakfast arrives, Spy nods with acceptance and reassurance. It is nice to see a bunch of guys working together, cooking/making things, and helping each other out when needed. It is necessary for the greater good and this war we fight. They praise each other for the deeds they commit each day and come back to their base to relax, eat, or fix their weapons. Medic gets thanked a lot for the healing he does. He seems so, confident and...

You find yourself thinking about the German.

He's just  

You've always been attracted to the healing part of working with him. Getting to help others, especially with his big medigun hes got, carrying it around most of the day. It does the job so clean and nice. 

He must be so strong. I've got so many questions...

"No stitches needed huh.." You said aloud. You sat at the dining room table, alone, or so you thought, until Pyro came into the room. 


That sounded like hello..

"Oh hi Pyro, how are you today?"

Pyro held up his two fingers as if to say, hold on, then proceeded into the kitchen. You sigh, alone again. 

Pyro returns with something in their hands. It's a pie. A small pie made for at least 3 people. Oh and it's got a little note on top of the box. It says "Thank you for joining our battle and the efforts we make at Teufort. We all appreciate you here!" Pyro hands it to you and claps "Ho ho!" Says Pyro. 

Pyro pats you on the back and leaves. 

"Wait this is a lot of pie! I can't eat all this myself!" You call out to Pyro but you cannot see where they went. 

Pyro is gone. 

You sit for a minute thinking of who you could share it with. You think of Engineer. "He would appreciate this right?" Texans do love their desserts. 

You get up from the table, grabbing some plates as you walk by the kitchen in search for him. Scout says he is outside playing his guitar, so you walk through the door leading out there. 

"There you are missy, just the person I wanted to see." He says. Engineer is sitting on a log with his sentry guns and a fire in front of him. He strums lightly on his guitar as you walk up to him, sitting on a nearby log. "Now how are you likin' it out here in the boonies? Is the weather ok for you?" 

"Oh it's fine out here, the cold nights and bright mornings are wonderful. How are you doing though, Engie?"

"Just fine darlin', just tuning up my machines here, watchin' them go. I see you've got a little somethin' sweet there in your hands. Have you tried it yet?"

"That's actually why I came out here, I wanted to share it with someone. Is that ok?"

"Aw thank you, I guess I should have tried it anyway before givin' it to Pyro for you."

"Oh you made it??" 

"Sure did, (Y/N), right here in the base. We can get ingredients delivered here for special occasions like you arriving here. It's a gift from all of us"

"You've got to try it then! Tis your creation!"

Engineer laughs as you bring out the plates

"I love that you decided to share it with me, darlin', this is sweeter than a lollipop covered in sugar. Thank you."

You and Engineer smile as you both eat a slice. So decadent and creamy. You have your eyes closed as you put another bite into your mouth. "Mmm." You exclaim. Engineer looks at you, and admires his work. He blushes slightly at the sounds you're making over his food. 

"So uh.. H-hows learnin' from us? Are we good teachers? Gotta get you ready for when it gets serious ya know."

"I just love learning about your different weapons and items! It's all so invigorating. Oh especially Medics medigun, I still haven't figured out how it works!"

"You and Medic been gettin' close huh, I'm happy for you. Seems like next to him is the place to be, for your job I mean." 

You giggle. "Oh he's alright, I guess." You rolled your eyes sarcastically. You and Engineer laugh. Your affections grow deeper for him and the rest of the team. Engie is really sweet. 

As the sun sets and the fire grows brighter, Engineer tinkers with his machine. 

"So I heard you like to talk with Medic a lot, how's that?" He asks. 

"Well whenever we talk about where he used to live, it's like we are actually there, oh i'd love to visit one day, the Christmas there sounds so lovely!" 

"Maybe you could visit with him one day, he could show you around." Engineer has a smirk on his face. 

"Oh my, that'd be a little too romantic wouldn't you think?" You look down at your feet. You remember how the warmth from his hug felt so good, and how his big strong arms just enveloped you with ease. His sharp eyes looking at you while your blood pressure was being taken just seemed to go over your body. 

"Not for you two." Engie teased "He was so concerned the day you fainted here, he slept next to you on the floor while you were on that darn couch. He's probably got a soft spot for ya." 

"Oh don't be ridiculous, he wouldn't like someone like me. Im too shy for that kind of thing anyway."

"Maybe you can ask him yourself, I see he's coming this way right now." Engie points over to the door. You two see Medic coming out of the door, shutting it politely. "Engineer no!" You say in a hushed tone. 

"Alright vhat's all the hub bub about." Medic sits next to you. "Hi (Y/N)." He says in a friendly tone. I love when he says my name..

"Medic do you want some pie? It's good. Engie already had some and it's the last piece." 

"Sure (Y/N) I'll take some." 

You hand him a plate and watch him as he eats. 

"I love your pie (Y/N).."

Filthy mind

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2023 ⏰

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