Chapter 5 The 7 of us

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You knocked on the door and waited for a couple of seconds. From within the building you heard: "Hush now fellas, I think someone's at the door." There was a brief silence before anyone said anything. "Aw crap, why do I have to answer the stupid door? What if it's a killer?" "Dag nabbit scout just do it!" "Alright, but only because I'm the best and everyone else is too much of a chicken to-" "SCOUT!" "ALRIGHT, ok. Ahem."
"Good evening officer what seems to- oh, it's just sniper and....Heh, Hey miss lady how you doin'? I got a bucket of chicken-" "Scout would you leave the Sheila alone? She's our new recruit for cryin' out loud." Sniper hit scouts head with the back of his hand leaving a red mark. "Jeez Sniper, why you so protective over her? Is she your...D-a-t-e?" You just kind of laughed at him, seeing that he was just a little curious, and annoying, but that's not the point. You cleared your throat. "Ahem, I hope you know that I'm smart enough to know what d-a-t-e spells, and no, i'm not, heh. I'm guessing your scout from what that guy with the construction hat said?" "Uh yeah, come on in, and Engie is the one that said that."
You three walked in and there were four men in what looked like the living room. There were two on the couch, one with a helmet that hid his eyes and the other that was sleeping with a bottle of liquor in his left hand, and one by the fireplace with his guitar playing a soft tune and the other was on the ground listening to him. You weren't really sure if the last one was a girl or a boy because their whole body was covered from head to toe, but that really didn't matter to you.

They all got up to greet you except for the one that was sleeping. He was probably just drunk and passed out. "Hi there darlin' my name's Engineer but, you can call me Engie. I make the machines and everything that help with-" "STEP ASIDE MAGGOT, I WANT TO MEET OUR NEW MEMBER!" "Now watch it soldier, don't go on and hurt her." "I WILL DO NOTHING OF THE SORT!" He grabbed your hand in attempt to shake it but it felt like your arm was gonna rip off. "HELLO MY NAME IS SOLDIER." "Do you always yell like this?" Soldier opened his mouth to answer but Engie put his hand over his mouth. "He just gets a little excited, that's all. Pyro, why don't you come over here and meet our new member?" He got up off of the ground and came over in a rush, but seemed happy to meet you. "Mmmph mmr mph!" You didn't really understand what they said so you just gave a friendly smile and shook their hand. The one that had been sleeping on the couch got up rather slowly and said in a slurred tone that he was demo-man. You just smiled and was happy to have finally gotten here.
After meeting the five of them you asked sniper if there was anyone else. He stated that there were three more people but they were probably sleeping already, so you all headed off to your rooms. Since you were new and all, you didn't really have a room so Engie suggested that you'd sleep on his bed. You said that it was alright and agreed to sleep on the couch.
After everyone had gone to their rooms you stayed up for a bit just thinking about the start of your new life and possibly the rest. Feeling at home you slowly drifted off into a deep sleep. "Goodnight guys, see you all tomorrow."

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