chapter - 6(protecting you)

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Somewhere in the same time

I will kill Porsche and kinn both his father destroy my whole family, I won't let them live peacefully.

Don't worry.....we together take our revenge..... unknown 1 man said angrily.

What do you you have any plan about that..... unknown 2 man ask ..

Yes ...... You just wait and watch..... unknown 1 man said cunningly.

I think they both become very close ..... I saw them in the restaurant together...... unknown 1 man added

I know that..... unknown 2 said angrily.

But you have to be careful.....if Porsche is also like his father.....then he became a danger for know how his father save Mr Korn from us ...... unknown 1 man said

Don't worry....he is not like that..... you just focus on plan.... unknown 2 said....

In the morning
Porsche wake up on kinn's bed when he try to wake up he feel a heavy hands wrapped around his waist.....
Porsche slowly remove his hand and leave the bed he feel a sharp pain in his back and lower body which he can't bear and a sound escape from his mouth

Ahhh..... Porsche crying by the sound kinn wake up from his sleep and see Porsche crying in pain. He feels guilty because he is the reason of this pain.

Po... I'm sorry... Kinn said sadly
Porsche understand that why he say,
Hey kinn.... don't be sorry I'm know yesterday night was the best night of my life.......pain and bleeding is normal in the first time..... after sometime I will be fine..... Porsche said firmly.

When kinn hear all this things he stop worrying because he trust Porsche that he didn't lie to him

When Porsche try to leave the bed for his morning routine he can't even take a step without limping and feeling pain , but he doesn't want to worry kinn so he bit hit bottom lip to stop his pain but kinn noticed that but didn't say anything.

After doing his morning routine he sat on the bed with pain then kinn enter in the room with a hand bag

Kinn ... what is this... Porsche ask while pointing at the hand bag
Medicine....for you ....kinn said
For me?? ..... porshe ask in confusion
Yes .... painkillers and ointment for your marks .....kinn said

I'm sorry porshe I know that I'm rough on you yesterday and you don't need to hide your pain .... because I know that your back is pain like hell ......
Kinn give him medicine and apply ointment on the marks .....

Porsche just looking at him without blinking and think that how much he is lucky to have Kinn beside him and hug him tightly first kinn got suprise then he returns the hug.

After one week

Tanakhun decided a family picnic so, they all are going to a amusement park with their bodyguard.

Everyone busy in his activity then
Kinnporche also being lovey- dovey . Suddenly
Kinnnnn....... Porsche shouted push him on the ground, first kinn didn't understand what is happening.....

Porsheeeeee......kinn shouted when he see a bullet hit himand hold Porsche in his arm before Porsche's body touches the ground that bullet hit Porsche left side and heavily bleeding.

Bodyguard on alert ..they also start firing against the other party.

On the other hand porshe slowly closes his eyes .....kinn can't stop his tears ....

Kinn -Porsche don't leave me like that please Porsche....... don't close your eyes pls don't do that ..... I can't live without you pls don't....sob* still crying....

Porsche - Don't cry pls kinn ....i can't see you crying......pls kinn i can't stay with you anymore pls try to understand..... kinn i will back for you ......don't cry....pls ..... don't....kinn.... pls..... of yourself......
After that Porsche closes his eyes and his soul left his body

Kinn - PORSCHEEEE........pls no.... ...pls
Kinn crying while hugging Porsche life less body , after some moments they reach their mansion kinn still in state of shock.

After few days

Whole family give a proper funeral to Porsche and do some after for the peace of Porsche's soul. Their family grateful to Porsche because of him kinn is alive.
Korn crying on funeral of Porsche's because he can't keep his promise to take care of Porsche.

But their family is tensed about the condition of Kinn.
After that day kinn completely changed he change into a new person , he started to live alone mainly in his room or Porsche's room. He mostly stay silent, slowly became rude , arrogant, cold hearted. Everyone in the mansion know the reason behind this and very tense about his health too because he completely ignore his health, eat less , become a silent person , busy himself in work and assignments .

I know guys u don't like this chapter much but I can't do anything pls bear it.

See you in next chapter

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