chapter-16 (let me court you)

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When kinn enter in the room, he saw Porsche and laid beside him while stroking his hair......

Don't worry Porsche, I won't let anyone to hurt you again...... and I'm sorry if I was hurting you.... I will always protect you with my life... Kinn said......
He really fears for Porsche if again something happen to him just like his Porsche, he can't lose Porsche again.......he thinks that maybe God give him a second chance and this time he won't let anyone to harm him....... after some time Kinn fell asleep......


Porsche wake up from his sleep.....he realised that he is not in uni....he is at an unknown place and his clothes were changed also....he didn't see Kinn sleeping beside him.....he starts crying silently while thinking about that something wrong happened to him.....

Kinn wake up from his sleep whole when he hear his,

Why are you crying.... Kinn said otherside when Porsche hear someone's voice other than his......he scared to death

Ahhhhhhhh....... ghost... ghost.... ghost... Porsche screams very loudly that makes anyone deaf..... Kinn don't know how to stop, he smashed his lips on him to make him shut up...... when Porsche feels someone lips on his lips, his eyes are wide opened in shock but when he look in his eyes , he knows who is the owner of that dark black eyes.... slowly he melt in the kiss, but didn't kiss back.....after some time kinn leave his lips.....

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that... you are screaming very loudly... you even didn't listen to me..... Kinn said guiltly.....

After learning that he is with Kinn means he is in safe hands and he feels so happy that he give his first kiss to kinn but after hearing what kinn said a playful and notorious Idea pop up in his mind..... so,he starts crying again.... otherside kinn saw him crying again ask him

Why are you crying......

You stole my first kiss..... Porsche said while again start crying.... Kinn get confuse....he don't know how to stop Porsche.....

Okk....okk.... I'm sorry..... I will compensate....If I stole your first kiss...... Kinn said in panic..... otherside porsche want to laugh loud but he control it....

Okay fine.....then let me court you.... Porsche said...

What?.....are you for real Porsche..... Kinn ask shockingly

Yes....why can't I court you..huh? you like Marsh?..... Porsche asked in jealousy and Kinn amused by his sudden mood change.....

Okay fine... you can court me and I don't like Marsh..... Kinn said while Porsche smile widely.....

So, can we kiss again.... Porsche asked while showing his puppy eyes.....

What....are you craz..... before Kinn finish his words Porsche pull him for a sweet and passionate kiss..... first Kinn shock but slowly he also respond back....they both suck each other lips for almost two minutes , when they need air they leave each other lips......

So, from tomorrow I will start courting I'm sleepy..... good night.... Porsche said and laid on the bed without listening kinn's answer....

What happened right now..... first time I kiss someone other than my Porsche but I didn't feel disgusted and not saw Porsche's dying face..... I only feel like that I am again with my Porsche.... Kinn thinks

I don't know you are my Porsche or not but I want to stay with you Porsche..... don't leave me like before again...... Kinn said while stroking his head.....he didn't listen what Kinn said because he is in deep sleep.... after that Kinn also laid beside Porsche, hug him tightly and start sleeping......


Pete, is Porsche safe or not.... Arm ask worriedly.....

Ofcourse Arm, right now he is in most safe hands with Professor Kinn..... Pete said while arm nodded....

I think professor Kinn also like Porsche but he didn't want to accept it.....tem said after thinking sometime......
I also feel like that.... Arm support....

Let's see what happens next.... Jom said.....

After sometime of gossiping about Kinn Porsche everyone went to sleep in uni....

In the morning

Porsche wake from his sleep saw Kinn sleeping beside him, then he remembers what happened between them Last night that makes him blush.... they were sleeping like married couples hugging each other......

I always want to wake beside you kinn..... just wait I will make you fall for me.....then you are only mine..... Porsche said while kiss on kinn's cheeks and leave the bed because of nature call you know 😂😂

Porsche go to the bathroom and start doing his morning routine... after some time Kinn also wake from his sleep and not see Porsche beside him.....

Porsche are you inside....kinn ask while knocked on bathroom door....

Yes...any problem kinn.... Porsche asked....

No, I am going to use other bathroom ..... Kinn said and leave the room and go to another room's bathroom and start doing his morning routine.....
After some time...

Kinn come out from bathroom while wearing only a towel around his waist and go to his room for clothes but Kinn didn't know Porsche still in bathroom when he open the door he saw him half naked so he close the door and slowly peek behind the door , outside view makes him gulp down but he didn't avert his eyes from kinn's well built body....
When Kinn fully dressed he go to the dinning room.... while Porsche come out from bathroom and wear yesterday party close that was neatly fold on the sofa.....

One day you are completely mine just wait love..... Porsche said shyly......

Kinn make breakfast for Porsche and they both eat together and go for the university but Porsche want to go to his home because he still wear party dress that not suitable for, Kinn drop him infront of his mansion and go to uni....
There is still something left that Kinn need to he dial a number on his phone and tell him to bring someone at University......

See you in next chapter

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