chapter-14(confusion clearance)

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Kinn was still in Porsche's room while fighting with his inner turmoil......he can't be able to think straight....

Why he(Porsche) always act like this, sometimes he make me feel like he is my Porsche and in next moment he became a complete insane person whom I didn't even know....why he always do that......
Kinn think while sitting on the couch.....

In kittisawat mansion

Aunty can you please keep this marriage proposal secret..... Porsche asked to Rose.....

First don't call me aunty and second why I keep this a secret.... Rose ask with the same time scolding him.....

Sorry! want to keep this marriage proposal secret because I want to win kinn's heart first..... Porsche said seriously.....

Aww.... tanakhun said....that makes Porsche blush....

Rose and Korn smile after listening what Porsche said.....

Of course son we will do it and also help you to make him fall for you..... Rose said while wink at him ..... Porsche become very happy but still he need apologized to kinn....

After some time chatting together...... kinn's family return home......

While Porsche's family is very happy because Porsche is happy, so everyone went to their room......

Theerapanyakul mansion

When Kinn's family returns....

p'chan inform tanakhunthat kinn didn't had his dinner and he is in Porsche's room till evening....

Then tanakhun take a plate of food and go to Porsche's room (only tanakhun allowed to enter in that room other than Kinn).....

He saw kinn sitting on the couch while looking at Porsche's picture..... tanakhun go and sit beside him.....

What are you thinking kinn..... you didn't had your dinner yet..... tanakhun asked.....

I'm not hungry.... Kinn said plainly....

Kinn don't lie to your phi.... I know there is something bothering you....tell me... tanakhun asked firmly....

Kinn never share his problem with anyone, but tanakhun is tanakhun he didn't give up the end tanakhun win and kinn sighed.....

Okay phi, I will tell you everything... Kinn said.....then kinn tell him everything what he is thinking about Porsche......

Tanakhun think for sometime then,
So stop comparing him with your Porsche just think him as another guy.... with whom you met there 3-4 days before who fell in love with you at first sight..... tanakhun said logically....

What?.....phi i can't do that.....i can't think him like sone stranger....but he is silly.. Kinn said while a film is tear form in his eyes.....

And what makes you think like that, what he did this time..... tanakhun asked.... kinn tell him what happened in school and what Porsche did to Marsh.....
Tanakhun didn't understand what he do laugh or support his brother.....

Kinn don't you think Porsche act like you forgot that what you did to that guy who just kiss your Porsche's hand..... tanakhun said in mockery tone....

Kinn didn't understand what to say.....
Phi I did everything because I love Porsche and he dare to kiss my Porsche.....kinn said angrily because he remind that moment again...... and tanakhun start laughing....

Kinn, Porsche also Love you that's why he beat that guy.....if you are right then how he is wrong..... tanakhun said while stop laughing because Kinn glare at him.....

Kinn didn't understand what to say so keep silent for some moments.....then,

But he is just 18, he didn't love me it's just teenage attraction......kinn said after thinking sometime.... but that makes tanakhun angry....

Ai kinn! Just shut your mouth..... don't forget you were just 14 when you fall in love with Porsche , so that means you also didn't love him that is also a teenage attraction.... tanakhun said angrily because he done with kinn's stupidity..... phi I really love him and still love him.... Kinn said angrily because he don't like when tanakhun said his love for Porsche was teenage attraction....

So, why not it's same for Porsche.... listen kinn Porsche is in mature age and he really love you so much....pls give him a chance.....
I know you still love Porsche and I just want to tell you that give him some place in your heart not to replace your Porsche from your heart...... tanakhun said while pleading.....

But....phi...he is my student and he is still very young...... before Kinn could say anything after that tanakhun interrupted him....

I won't listen your any excuse kinn....age doesn't matter in love..... and I know Porsche is young so what, he wants to spend his life with pls give him a chance na..... tanakhun said while pretend to cry.....

Before Kinn could say anything tanakhun start speaking again....

Listen kinn , Porsche always want to see happy right.... tanakhun asked... while Kinn nodded his head as yes....

So, tell me how he feels when he see you like that have you ever think about it..... tanakhun asked emotionally because he also miss his Porsche......kinn just shook his head as no....

Then give Porsche a chance just a chance kinn if he didn't succeed then we don't tell you anything to do..... tanakhun said while leave the room.... but
kinn had your dinner before sleeping ...... tanakhun yells while standing at the door because he know Kinn going to sleep in Porsche's room.......

Okay phi..... Kinn replied and had his dinner before his brother scold him again......

Flashback in kittisawat mansion

Porsche what if you fail, you can't make him fall for you.... tanakhun asked seriously.....

So, l let him free phi.... I know we can't force anyone to love you back..... Porsche said while a film of tear form in his eyes Because now he can't imagine his life without kinn......

Flashback end......................

Don't worry Porsche i won't let you set him free ..... I know you can change my brother and also you again got a chance to get our Porsche back i won't let you go..... tanakhun said in his mind......

Otherside Kinn think about what tanakhun said and decide to give Porsche a chance because he slowly starts to like him but still he somehow not confirmed about his feelings......

Next day in uni

When kinn enter in the uni....
Marsh first approaches him and greet him...... Kinn also greet him with a smile.....But in his mind...why he is here again if Porsche see him he again created a ruckus here... I hope Porsche didn't saw him with me.....

After that kinn go to his classroom for his class.....but he didn't know that Porsche already watched both of them together

Let's see what happens

See you in next chapter
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