chapter -13(marriage proposal)

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Whole night Porsche can't sleep properly..... just because of that nightmare.....

In the morning

Porsche wake up early, do his morning routine and ready for the university......

He goes downstairs to have breakfast , he wish good morning to his family, had breakfast and leave for the university in hurry....
He didn't answer to any questions that his friends ask.....

When he reaches uni he told his friends to go while he wait for someone in the parking lot....this someone is non other than kinn....

When Kinn's car arrived....kinn come out from his car while praying not to see that crazy guy.......but to his suprise Porsche immediately go to him and hug him tightly like there is no tomorrow.....
First kinn got shock but after that his hug warms his he didn't push him but also not hug him back.... after some time Porsche break the hug.... while,

Kinn are you alright.... Porsche ask in very worried tone....

What's wrong with you..... ofcourse I'm alright......kinn said confusingly....

I had a nightmare..... that's why I'm scared ... what if something happened to you..... Porsche said while his eyes fill with tears......

Otherside Kinn who saw this didn't understand why but he. Can't see him he ask
What you see in your nightmare that makes you that much scared....

I saw you are with a boy of your age move in an amusement park....then a man in black clothes shoot you and that boy push you on the ground.....then.... Porsche said while sobbing....

Then what Porsche.....kinn ask...

I don't know kinn then I woke up..... Porsche said while still sobbing....kinn saw this hug him tightly and said something soothing words to calm him down while cares his back......
Calm down Porsche I'm okay nothing going to happen to me...kinn said....

after some time, Porsche stops sobbing....then kinn leave the hug and told him to go to his classroom..... Porsche just do as he said like a good boy.....

Otherside kinn thinks about what Porsche said to him.... and how he know about this.....
Maybe Porsche don't know what he saw but Kinn understand what Porsche saw.... and that irks him that how he remind his Porsche death day in his dream , why his hug warm his heart why it feels like he hug his Porsche.....that question irritates him.... and he don't have answer......

After some time
Kinn go to take his class....but time to time he check Porsche because he looks sad and worried
... Kinn knows that Porsche still think about his nightmare.....
Time skip to lunch break...

Kinn sit in his office while thinking about Porsche , maybe he irritates him but he can't see this sad and worried Porsche.....he wants that stubborn and irritating Porsche back....

So, he came outside from office and look for Porsche....he saw Porsche in the canteen sitting with his, he go to him but before he approaches him......
Marsh come to him with a flower bouquet..... while give him the flower bouquet
I really like you professor Kinn..... Marsh said with a smile..... everyone in the canteen looking at then include Porsche and his friends too.....

Otherside Kinn don't understand what to do....he came here for Porsche and here his student proposed him.....but before kinn can say anything Porsche approaches Marsh, snatches his flower bouquet and through on the floor while give a hard punch on his face, that punch cause him lost balance and fall on the floor......
How dare you to propose him.....he is mine only mine, understand..... said Porsche while continuously punching him... Marsh mouth spit blood......

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