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Next day in uni.......

Kinn waiting for Porsche because he wants to talk to him.....
After some time..... Porsche's car enter..... Kinn thinks Porsche come but he to his suprise Porsche not come only his friends come ......

Kinn is really disappointed but he can't do anything because he know the reason.....

After some time......

One car again enter in the university......
Kinn didn't know whose car is this but.... when a guy came out from the car....his eyes immediately recognised who is he..... that guy is Tharn Thara kirigun, a young businessman like him..... then he remembered one more guest lecturer is coming on his request from Dean......... but what suprised him most is when the passanger seat door opens and Porsche come out........

 but what suprised him most is when the passanger seat door opens and Porsche come out

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Kinn is not just shock, he is angry and jealous too..... angry because how could Porsche with Tharn and jealous because he is with Tharn not him......

When Porsche come out, he completely ignore him and go direct to his classroom.......
Kinn didn't like his attitude....but he also go to his class.....
Time skip to lunch......

In the whole class Porsche didn't even look at Kinn......after lunch he wants to talk to Porsche but before he can, tharn approaches him and invites him for lunch , Kinn can't refuse his he decided to talk Porsche later....

In the canteen.....

Kinn and Tharn had lunch together......but suddenly Tharn watches Porsche and invites him also to have lunch with him......

Nong Porsche.... come here had lunch with us..... Tharn said.... Porsche see him and Kinn but he ignore kinn.....

Okay, phi.... Porsche accept his offer with smile......

They all had their lunch together...... Porsche didn't look at Kinn......he and Tharn both talking and tharn serve him some extra food and sweet time to time.....

Phi, I already eat so much..... Porsche refuse.....

You didn't eat anything Porsche......if you didn't eat properly, you become weak not looks cute....... Tharn said and again give him some shrimp...... while Porsche just smile geniune ly and eat what Tharn serve him..... otherside kinn's blood boil in anger and jealousy......
He wants to kill Tharn right now but he control his anger......

Don't you have any class..... I think lunch period is over...... kinn ask to Porsche......

I had but I won't attend them, because...... Porsche said.... while cut off by Tharn......

Because he is going to shopping with me...... Tharn said with a smirk....... while Kinn's anger on he slammed the table hardly and leave both of them....... because Tharn ruined his plan to approach after uni finish......

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