chapter - 42 (Panick attack)

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After leap of 3 years!

Porsche is now age of 22, he completed his Graduation and decided to return Thailand. In these three years he daily miss Kinn so much besides the fact that Kinn call him daily . Arm and Pete also completed their study......

Porsche, Pete and Arm planned to returned without informing anyone as they wanted to surprise everyone specially Porsche who wanted to see kinn's reaction......


In the morning!!....

They both checkout from Thailand airport and go to theerapanyakul mansion as Porsche wanted to meet Kinn first......


After 2 hours!

Porsche reached home smiling holding roses for Kinn to give him which he brought but become shocked seeing Rose is crying whole family is also gathered......

Porsche : what happened Mom? (coming to Rose, all become shocked to see Porsche here because noone expect him here).......

Porsche again asked the same question from his parents who is also present there .....

Nampheung : Porsche, Kinn is poisoned by someone! ( shocking him) one of his enemy poisoned him, when we know about this we immediately admitted him in the hospital and his condition is still critical......

Porsche : how?? No! This can't happen, this can't! Nothing can happen to my Kinn (murmuring)......

Rose told how this happened! While he listened with numb face......


Kinn comes after attending a business party, Rose who saw him become shocked seeing him like this , he looked a little pale and weak.......

"Kinn , what happened to you soon , why you looks so pale and weak"....... Rose asked with concern.....

"I don't know Mom, but I feel like my head is spinning and body is slowly stopping his functioning."....... Kinn said and coughs, blood comes out from his mouth, and fell on her shoulder unconsciously and ......

Rose gets panicked, immediately call bodyguards to take to his room, Top checked him and confirmed that he is poisoned and immediately shifted to the theerapanyakul hospital.......


Rose :I I am sorry Porsche! I promise you that I will take care of him but I failed I am sorry . I can't see my son always like this !........(saying this she crying).......

Porsche 's mind revolves around their memories from beginning, He stare his wedding ring in his finger and remembered how Kinn make him wears it. Everything revolves around in his mind.

His breaths becomes uneven shocking whole family, eyes start closing, his head start spinning, he fall down on floor while gripping his wedding ring breathing heavily.

Porsche : Kinn! Kinn! ( murmuring while breathing heavily, he close eyes while taking his name last time) Kinn!

He fall unconscious, Path and nampheung engulf him become shocked seeing blood oozing from his nose......

Nampheung : My son!! (crying).....

Path feels guilty and crying for his son's condition.

Tanakhun : let's take him to hospital. (to Kim), Kim help us.

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