chapter-15(Freshers party)

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When Porsche saw them together his blood boils in anger but he controlled his anger because he wants to apologise Kinn first then teaches Marsh a lesson......

So he went to his classroom with his friends....
Time skip to lunch time....

Porsche got free time so he directly go to kinn's office without knock.. but to his suprise Marsh already present the last string of his anger broke....

Kinn hear door unlocked sound he is about to scold that person for his manner because his mood was already upset because of that irritating Marsh.....but when he saw Porsche and his angry eyes he involuntary start sweating.......

Marsh know that Porsche going to kinn's office that's why before Porsche came here he came.....

P..Porsche .. what are you.. doing here..... Kinn ask while shuttering....

What is he doing here..... Porsche asked angrily while ignored kinn's question.....

I'm here inviting professor Kinn for freshers party...... I know you definitely forget about that..... Marsh answered instead of Kinn..... Porsche really forgot about freshers party.....

You invited him or not.....if yes then you can go.... Porsche said plainly while try to hide his anger....

Ofcourse I did that..... I'm waiting for you professor Kinn I mean we are waiting for you in the party next week.... Marsh said still looking at him then leave.....

Sure..... Kinn said while smile awkwardly..... when Marsh leave Kinn turn to look at Porsche who is glaring at him angrily......

So, what are you doing here...... Kinn said coldly while try to hide his nervousness that he always feel when Porsche is around.....

I'm just come here to say sorry to you but you seems very busy with Marsh..... Porsche said without hiding his anger and jealousy.....

You misunderstood me , it's not like that....kinn try to explain, he himself don't have why he do that, he is not in any relationship but still he do that.....

Misunderstood huh? the morning you are with him and after lunch again he is with you..... Porsche said..... and before Kinn could say anything he leaves.....

What's wrong with him...i already told him it's not like that the way he thinks.....but he didn't want to understand..... Kinn said to himself......

Porsche rush to washroom, wash his face with cold water while trying to reduce his anger......
He can't see Kinn with anyone else.....he can't tolerate it.....
Time skip to after college

Always Porsche waiting for Kinn but today he isn't..... that makes Kinn sad , he knows that Porsche is upset but he didn't know that his absence affect him this much.....he go to his mansion sadly.

After a week.....

Everyone prepared for freshers this 7days Porsche kept ignoring Kinn, he didn't even talk to him properly that makes Kinn angry and sad both......this is also difficult for Porsche to ignore kinn but he can't do anything his bro-in-law tanakhun advise him to ignore kinn. So , that he can realise his mistake.......

Porsche and his friends are very excited for the party..... Kinn is also prepared for the party.....but they both don't know that there's someone who is planning something very horrible for Porsche, that is non other than Marsh because he wants to take revenge from Porsche......

In the party

Everyone arrived and enjoy this evening but there's one person who is kept looking at entrance gate that is non other than kinn who is waiting for Porsche and his friends.....

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