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PUTTING ON HER CLOAK TO HIDE HER GOWN AND HAIR Rhaenyra had began to go along with her plan, she had made some excuse to her guards that she needed to go to the kitchens but didn't want to be caught by the Princes or Queen, they had agreed to go with her until she took off down a hall. She could hear their running and shouting after her as she snuck out of the back door that the maids and chefs had.

She tries to be mindful that she is pregnant, but she also really needed to leave, she was thankful for everything that everyone had done for her, but now it was time to leave; she had overstayed her welcome.

Rhaenyra had made it out of the red keep, and down into the village on her way to the dragon pit without going the way they would expect her to go. She watched as people ogled her and looked at her funnily – I mean – what would you do if you see a pregnant woman practically running down the streets as if she were running from something dangerous. She took a left down to an alleyway and watched as people stepped aside from her, she could hear guards shouting and screaming things, she knew they were after her.

She bumped into an elderly woman who had looked behind her and whispers, "go left, then take a right. No guards would ever look there." She gulps as she noticed the woman not looking at her but continuing to walk away holding a basket of fruits.

Rhaenyra had done what the woman had said to do, she realised this was the same street she and Daemon had went down when she were younger, it had taken her right to the brothel. She gasps when she was pulled back, she looked back and saw Ser Erryk, "shh, Princess. I am on your side," he says as he looked back up. She did the same, "Prince Aemond and Ser Criston are here too and they are not happy, the Queen is demanding for your search and a lot of the townsfolk saw you hurry down this way, they have been giving guards and those two your directions." He whispers gruffly to her as he pulled her right into the shadows. "The Queen knows that you are going home, she told everyone that, but she has ordered for you to be taken back to the castle, but I am taking you to your dragon."

"Thank you." She says before tensing when she saw Aemond asking people if they had saw her, some pointed in the direction she was going to go until he looked right at the dark alleyway they were hiding in.

Ser Erryk hurried her down the alleyway before telling her to run through the left tunnels of the brothel and when she gets out to run straight across to the other alleyway right across from the tunnel and then to hide behind the docks and he would get her there. Though, if he wasn't there, she was to get to the pit quickly, he had already got one of the men also on her side to saddle up her dragon.

She again said thank you before hurrying inside the brothel, she turned to see him gone but Aemond looking directly in her direction, they both stare at each other for a moment before she entered the pleasure house.

Rhaenyra ran passed a crowed of naked people, hearing the Prince right behind her. She ran to the tunnels before making every left she could find until she heard his voice, "ziry iksos dangerous syt ao naejot sagon isse kesīr, riñītsos." She ended up taking a right and hide behind the sheer curtains watching the people not even turn to look at her.

"Māzigon hen, māzigon hen skoriot mirre ao issi, Rhaenyra." He taunts before chuckling darkly, she took a step back before entering another hallway. "Ao daor ruaragon. Māzigon hen se ivestragī īlva sagon gaomagon rūsīr aōha dovodedha games."

She sees his shadow through the curtains of the room she was just in and took the next left, she could hear his steps behind her though it was too dark for any of them to see, they were just using their senses. Rhaenyra knew he was beginning to infuriated that she would not listen to him, "did you seriously think your little note would let you go so easily?" He growls out as she turned another corner.

Rhaenyra's hand wrapped around her bump and to her surprise light was right up ahead, she stepped out and saw the alleyway, Ser Erryk had told her about and ran straight to it dodging the other people walking or holding something. "Stop that girl!" She heard Aemond yell before it was too late she had disappeared into the alleyway.


Aemond sighed angrily as he had followed her down this next alleyway only for her to disappear from his sight, but he had met Ser Criston who was already looking in his direction. He was looking around everywhere and tried to see if he could see her, but he completely lost her.

Why couldn't the little brat just listen to him for once! Can't she see it is a dangerous world they live in? The moment she left the whole castle had been on high alert, his mother looked betrayed and heartbroken and his sister looked incredibly worried, while Aegon also wanted to come he was ordered by Otto that he was to stay.

She had left, his mother had told them that she had asked to leave when the Maesters had left. Everyone was worried, after hearing that the baby might not survive made them overly protective of the girl that wouldn't even rely on them or left them care for her.

When she ran from him, when he heard her breathing out of fear of being caught he just wanted her to run back to him and beg for her big brother to forgive her but she would not. He just wanted to take her over his knee but there was nothing he could do now.

Aemond was trying not to panic as he had completely lost her, Ser Criston and some guards had approached him, he told them she ran and that they were to search every inch of that alleyway. He had to talk to Criston in private so that they could come up with a plan of their own.

As they watched the guards leave them be, Aemond was about to open his mouth before a loud screech echoed through the sky cutting him off entirely.

oh, look at that I dropped
another drafted chapter that I have
just edited.

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ziry iksos dangerous syt ao
naejot sagon isse kesīr, riñītsos (it is dangerous for you to be in here, little girl.)

Māzigon hen, māzigon hen
skoriot mirre ao issi, Rhaenyra (Come out,
come out where ever you are, Rhaenyra.)

Ao daor ruaragon. Māzigon hen se
ivestragī īlva sagon gaomagon
rūsīr aōha dovodedha games (You cannot hide. Come out and let us be done with
your games.)

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