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AS SOON AS SYRAX LANDED ON THE GROUND Daemon and her children were making their way towards her with worried expressions upon their faces. She slid off of Syrax gently before falling into her husband's arms, "mother, are you alright?" Lucerys calls out from behind them.

"Yes, I am alright." She says, "I'm not hurt, I just had to come home I have not been feeling very good baby wise." She explains while looking at her husband who had been waiting for an explanation.

"They did not hurt you?" Daemon asks quietly, moments ago he looked like he was going to kill someone now he looks at her in confusion. "Once we get inside, tell me everything." He says as he and her children lead her back towards the castle.

"Alright," she sighs as she feels her husbands arms around her. She had felt relaxed, she'd missed his touch, and her boys; she glanced at them to see both keeping close to her. "Good to be home," she says a little sadly suddenly missing the greens.

They started to climb up the steps to the castle, she watched as Syrax flew around with Caraxes, she took in the smell of the salty ocean air and couldn't believe that she was truly home. Though, she wished that her family all got along so that she could have them both.

Wait a moment. She couldn't believe she just thought of that. Yes, she truly missed Alicent and the others, but she was here now somewhere she desperately wanted to be but now suddenly does not. Rhaenyra sighs to herself and ascended the stairs holding onto Daemon while her left hand held Lucerys' tightly as if he was going to vanish from her. She glanced back at Jace who was sharing looks with his brother before looking away back at the ocean below.


"I was so worried about you," Daemon says as they sat down in their bed chambers. "I got a Raven sent saying you were staying once the storm had passed and now all of a sudden you are here, you could have been hurt but I am glad you made it before it had gotten worse."

"Yes, I am sorry for putting my life in danger, dear husband. But I had to leave, I could not be cooped up in my new bed chambers for much longer." She says fiddling with her fingers.

"They did not hurt you did they?" He asks as he sat down in the chair across from her.

"No," she shakes her head. "They were actually very nice, I did actually enjoy their company believe it or not."

"Rhaenyra," he sighs. "You cannot get close, they are manipulating you."

The said Princess sighs and picks at the skin around her fingers, "they were treating me as if I were their little sister." Daemon looked up as she said this, "I was so confused at first and then Alicent explained to me that she wanted to make up for everything she had ever done to me. At first I thought it was a trick," she says meeting his eyes, "but they truly do care. I actually liked it." She cringes at the word, "no responsibilities, rely on others which I could not do due to what their intentions might be. But Daemon...they care about me...they showed it to me."

Daemon did not know what to say, he stared flabbergasted at her outburst. He now knew what they were doing with her, he was quiet for a moment watching as she suddenly looked down at her fingers as if they were the most interesting thing she'd ever seen. They were making her go through an regression; a state of mind that made everything seem so big and scary, they were trying to make his wife vulnerable and rely on them so they could take her throne.

"They were trying to make you vulnerable – to take the throne away from you." Rhaenyra looked up at him in disbelief, "– no Daemon that's – Rhaenyra, look at you, you are now caring for the greens, they've sunken their claws into you so deeply."

"You do not understand," she starts, "this could perhaps bring us all together as one."

The man across from her let out a harsh laugh, his violet eyes held something dark – something possessive in them it made her sink into her chair. Something in her mind just wanted her to run away and get help, but she held her ground. "They are trying to take you away from your duties, your family."

"Daemon, please, just think about it." She sighs as she got up and headed towards the door.

"Your place is here with your family. The boys are happy, I am happy, we don't need them – I will go to Kings Landing myself if I have to – I will burn them all–"

She cut him off, "what about my happiness." She turns to him, "you all get yours. What about mine? Haven't I been through enough? Why can't I get a little break? Why can't I turn to someone and rely on them for once, why can't I let myself go for once and be happy." She looks him dead in the eyes, she noticed his attitude changing, he's realised he has fucked up and tries to apologise but she would not let him. " I want us all to be together, I want to be happy with all of you, I hate having to constantly pick a side." She says before leaving slamming the door shut behind her.

Gods, she really needed to control her emotions, Damn these pregnancy hormones. She went to go find the boys and spend some time with them.

oooooh! daemon and rhaenyra drama.
though, I am very happy about her
telling daemon the truth.
next chapter we get to see the greens pov!

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love the ideas, thank you for the
support on ao3! still debating wether or
not to post the book there or not lol!

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