1 (short but yea)

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RUN... Y/N... get up and RUN...

My husband was gone when I regained consciousness, thus I made the decision to run. I was slightly concussed, there was blood running down my face from a gash in my head from when my head met the corner of the table. My lip was split, my cheek was hot to the touch and swelling, my ribs were bruised. I did my best to stop the bleeding that did not seem to be slowing from my head before I began to change into men's clothing. I began to wrap my breasts to try and pass as a man, before noticing an actual boot print forming on the side of ribs. No wonder it hurts so much to breathe. He had gone too far this time. I had modified the men's clothing to fit me a little better a couple weeks earlier and planned to take nothing with me except a locket I have had with me since childhood. I slipped a hat on my wrapped head and ran, wheezing and wincing as I made my way down the docks where the ships were moored.

I stopped, gasping for breath as it felt like my body was trying to kill me. The pain was almost overwhelming. I fought back the need to pass out or maybe I needed to throw up, either or I couldn't stop. I wiped the sweat off my face, determined to escape or else he would kill me one of these days. There were rumors that went around town about my husband's temper, but I am just a woman that didn't know how to be a proper wife. How had I become so weak?

I had found help among some of the most unlikely people in this port town, and if I could find the ship that had the mermaid holding the hourglass carved into the bow of the ship, I would be accepted even if I were found as a stowaway. The captain was actually the one that had told the wench at the hostel to have me get to his ship before they left.

I didn't know where exactly the ship was docked, I just knew I had to find it and hide. I had to escape. Thankfully, the moon was full, so I could make out the mermaid figurehead I was looking for. I carefully maneuvered along the crates and cartons lining the docks. I was being careful to not be noticed before seeing a dozing young man near the ramp of the ship. I carefully slipped by him and silently crept onto the ship. I found a hatch and quickly made my way down into the lower bowels of the ship and hid among the grain sacks. If they found me and this wasn't the right ship, I would most likely die at sea because stowaways were rarely tolerated, but at least I wouldn't die by HIS hands. At least I would get to experience something, other than pain. I let the blackness sweep over me and drifted to sleep with these thoughts crossing my mind.

Hi this is the Author. Why do I do this to us? Y/N always getting the short end of the stick...but it gets better from here. I hope you enjoy this story. 

If any of the names are spelled incorrectly please let me know. I think I caught all the autocorrects but you never know.

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