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I should not have tried to avoid crashing into the guys coming up through the hatch leading down. I felt a cold sweat break out from the pain that raced through my side. My head started to pound, and a roar began in my ears. I couldn't pass out here, too many men, they would find out who I was, I would be a burden, I would be thrown overboard. I wanted to live... my panic-stricken thoughts were interrupted when an arm was suddenly wrapped around my waist, and we were moving quickly towards a door. The darkness was creeping in around my eyes, I needed to put my head down to stop from passing out.

As soon as we passed through a door, I was seated, and a cool hand came to the back of my neck pushing my head down between my knees. I could hear muffled voices over the roar that was going on in my ears but could not make out the words. I closed my eyes and focused on breathing and not losing consciousness. In...Out...In...Out... the roaring died down...In...Out... the spinning stopped...In...Out... the darkness left... In...Out... I was left with a massive headache most likely from the gash in my head. I don't know how long it took for it to subside but finally the hand on the back of my neck left.

"Is she okay?" I heard a voice ask.

SHE?! Did I hear that right? They know I am a girl. I raised my head slowly wincing at my headache and the pain from my ribs. I looked around the large room, and if I were to guess this was the Captain's quarters just by how big it was. I looked forward and found 8 men standing in front of me. I quickly glanced at Wooyoung and Seonghwa before looking over each of the others. I wasn't sure how long it had taken for me to push back the dizziness, but I guess it was long enough to notify Wooyoung of what was happening. There was one that held an air of power to him, I recognized the two men that I had almost crashed into and the rest I had not seen yet. I was trying not to appear scared, but I was actually terrified, maybe this wasn't that great an idea.

"There is nothing to fear, little one," this came from the one that I gauged was most likely the Captain. "You are safe, and I am glad that you managed to find the right ship, though did you have to wait 'till the last minute to come aboard?" He sighed out as he rubbed his face.

Five of the men looked at the Captain, "This is her, the one you invited onto the ship to get her away from her supposedly abusive husband?" This came from the giant of them all. "Supposedly abusive?" I scoffed out, feeling my anger rise.

I stood up, sliding my hat back to show my face before quickly raising the side of my shirt and removing the bottom half of the wrappings carefully to make sure I didn't show too much to them. I heard hisses from them. This is my second chance at life. I had tried to be a nice, domesticated housewife, though now it was time to be myself.

"It hurts as bad as it looks," I grumbled, exhausted. My hands shook as I tried to rewrap myself. A pair of hands came into view, causing me to freeze. "I am not going to harm you, but I am the doctor on this ship, please let me tend to your injuries." The voice was smooth and angelic as I stared at the top of the head of the man that was now knelt at my side.

"My name is Jongho, I am the youngest out this crew of misfits you see in front of you and the medic, but I am also the strongest," Jongho introduced himself before turning, "I need my bag, can someone go grab it for me while I check out her injuries?"

I folded one arm over my chest as I felt the wrappings being removed before hearing a gasp from beside me. "You have got to be kidding me..."

I glanced down as I felt his hand rest on my side trying to cover the boot imprint, but it had already caught the attention of the others.

"Is that a fucking boot imprint on her side?!" The Captain was striding to my side and his voice cut through the air like a whip. Everyone gathered together at my side. I could feel the anger radiating from them, but the Captain was gentle when he lifted Jongho's hand to view the bruising. I watched them all as I didn't dare move and held my breath. They were pissed at the bruising, suddenly the giant that had spoken up early met my eyes and he seemed apologetic before he turned and strode out of the room. They each looked at me with a mix of anger, sorrow, and gentleness.

"I am sorry I couldn't help earlier," the Captain said, breaking the silence which caused me to shrug my shoulders.

"You didn't know...no one knew the extent of the problem but thank you for offering a safe haven. I will work hard to pull my weight, so I am not a burden."

"She is great with a knife, so she should stay in the kitchen with me." Wooyoung spoke up loudly. I smiled at him.

The Captain nodded making note of what was said before making eye contact with me, "I guess the main question is, will you become a member of the crew or just be joining us until we hit the next port?"

The giant with puppy dog eyes, came back through the door carrying a large bag which he opened and silently placed next to Jongho.

I watched him as he moved to gather back with everyone else. I gasped as a cold salve was being applied to my bruising, goosebumps broke out along my skin. I looked down at Jongho, I glanced at Wooyoung and Seonghwa, both of them smiling softly at me. I looked everyone over and they seemed supportive, I thought back over my life, trying to imagine my parents. I could barely recall them, but I could always recall their warm smiles. I could remember the sun, the smell of the salty air and the sand under my feet as they held my hands swinging me every so often. I don't know how I came to grow up in a bustling port town during my teen years, being raised by a wealthy family before being married off to the temperamental governor's son.

I looked at the men in front of me and felt more at home than I have felt since losing my real family. I tilted my head and smiled at them, which caught them by surprise. "I would be honored to join your crew permanently if you would all have me..." I trailed off, "I can learn to fight, I am pretty decent with a knife, I can cook and bake, I am stronger than I look if you couldn't tell, I am just lagging a bit because I am pretty sure I am concussed, not just bruised all over."

I felt Jongho's hands pause on my side, before standing and pushing me back into the chair that was behind me. He quickly began asking questions, "Concussed? Where? How?"

I frowned at the questions, before lowering my head finally noticing the wrappings were securely back in place. I button the bottom half of my shirt before removing my hat, which had been holding the cloth against my head. The bloodied cloth fell to the deck and my hair hung messily around my face. I heard a hiss and knew there was dried blood matting my hair. I carefully felt around for the lump and gash that I had managed to slow the bleeding of before running. I held out one hand to Jongho keeping the other on the barely scabbed over wound. He placed his hand in mine and I gently pulled him closer to guide his hand to the mess that has been hiding under my hat. I replaced my hand with his and let my hand fall away. He quickly but carefully parted my cakey hair, "How?"

"Table corner," I trailed off, worried, as I watched the others gather closer. Jongho looked over his shoulder, "I need water and clean rags to clean this up, also bring me my needles, thread, scissors, and a razor."

People scattered, even the Captain moved and came back with a straight edged razor. "I am sorry... I don't know your name yet, but I need to shave this section in order to gain complete access to the wound." I frowned, it's just hair I thought to myself. "Just shave the whole side so that it is a completely clean area to work and plus... I am a pirate now so I should change up the look," I said grinning up at the Captain and Jongho. 

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