2 So She Made It

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I opened my eyes, quickly noticing the gentle rocking of the ship. Confused, I quickly looked around checking my surroundings only to find myself alone. I crept out of my hiding spot, listening to see if anyone was nearby. I was a bit hungry, but I would not dare to steal from whoever's ship I had ended up on. I made my way up a couple levels moving carefully but like I belonged there. No one questioned me, and I overheard a couple men discussing that there were too many new faces on the ship to keep track of. I felt myself grin to myself, but I kept my head down and kept moving. I followed my nose to the kitchen where someone was yelling at another.

"Can't you do anything right? I need someone that can actually help in this kitchen, not make me slow down," a striking young man yelled at another. "Get out!" I pressed myself to the wall as the man that had been yelled at came darting out of the kitchen and past me a bit pale.

'Here's my chance,' I thought to myself as I entered the kitchen and took a better look at the young man muttering to himself. Handsome didn't even describe him, he was striking. Half of his hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and it was two different colors. I looked around the kitchen itself and the ingredients that seemed to be strewn about. Judging from the ingredients, he was trying to make a meat and potato stew.

I didn't say a word as I picked up the knife that was next to the potatoes causing the fuming young man to lift his head. He watched me twirl the knife in my hand, 'Good balance,' I thought to myself before picking up a potato and peeling the skin off with ease. I placed the peeled potato into the strainer and picked up another to peel. He watched me carefully before nodding and picking up another knife to cut some other veggies. I filled the strainer and brought it to the sink to wash off the excess starch and any dirt that transferred from the skin.

We both moved around each other like it was natural and quickly the stew was coming together. I began cleaning up things, when a tall man entered the kitchen, "Wooyoung, I heard you yelled at and kicked out the person the captain put down here to help you with..." he trailed off when his eyes landed on me.

I had looked up to see who the deep voice belonged to but quickly turned back to what I was doing. "Seonghwa, I don't know who or where this lad came from, but he is going to work with me from now on and don't you dare take him away from me." I glanced at the young man that must be Wooyoung and he was holding his ladle and pointing it threateningly at the man in the entrance of the kitchen. I finished washing the knives, so I dried them and slid them back into their sheathes while the two stared at each other glancing at me so often. I then gathered all the potato peelings and stared at them wondering if I should throw them overboard. I lowered my voice, "Overboard?" I glanced at Wooyoung, and he nodded. I moved to the exit with my sack of peelings, before being blocked by the man called Seonghwa. I didn't want to raise my face too much and have the bruising revealed or that they would question if I was a girl.

"Hey Seonghwa, get the hell out of his way!" Wooyoung called out from behind me, causing the man to move. I hefted the sack onto my back trying not to grimace from the pain that raced through my side.

The sun blinded me, causing me to raise a hand to shield my eyes briefly before moving to the aft end (rear) of the ship. I made sure to stay out of the way of the other crewmates that were moving here and there. I moved toward the railing and dropped the sack at my feet so that I could change my hold on the sack to be able to pour the peelings out. I tilted my hat back so I could look out at the horizon, and it finally struck home. I was at sea on a ship and there wasn't any land in sight. I smiled a real smile that crinkled up my eyes, before feeling a tear slide down my face. I quickly wiped it away before getting back to work by throwing out the peelings not realizing I was being watched.

--Back in the Kitchen—

Seonghwa and Wooyoung both watched her leave the kitchen with the sack of potato peelings on her back.

"Thank goodness, I have been looking everywhere for her," Seonghwa sighed out while leaning against the counter, relieved. They had both acted like she was a guy, so that she wouldn't feel scared that they knew who she was.

Wooyoung put the cover on the pot and lowered the heat to simmer before turning and looking at his friend. "She just walked in and made herself at home..." Wooyoung trailed off, "Bro, the bruising on her face..." His face fell as he saw Seonghwa nod his head.

"I saw, looks like the Captain was able to get his offer to her through the right people." They both looked at each other, sure they were pirates, but they had rules and morals. The Captain had been so upset when he overheard one of the wenches in the tavern talk about the wife that had disappeared for a week before finally reappearing with bruises that were covered in makeup and a limp. The wench had remembered that her husband had bruised knuckles but had not put two and two together until she had seen the wife.

"You should let the Captain know and make sure that the inner crew all know that she is here," Wooyoung said. Seonghwa nodded thinking back to how the small woman that hefted that sack of peelings and her wince, the bruising on her face and split lip. What man would strike such a beautiful young woman?

"I am going to head out and report in, then make sure the others know they can stop looking for her," Seonghwa stated as he turned and ducked back through the doorway. Wooyoung watched him leave before turning his attention back to the stew.

Seonghwa made his way to the deck to find the captain at the helm of the ship, leaning on the railing and staring towards the aft end of the ship. Seonghwa made his way to him, leaning on the railing with him to give him the news as he followed his Captain's gaze. Seonghwa felt his lips turn upward.

"So, she managed to find my ship..." Seonghwa heard the Captain mumble himself.

"Yes sir, I am going to find the others and call off the search. She has made herself comfortable in the kitchen with Wooyoung." Seonghwa said while watching her move through the men before nearly colliding with San and Yeosang coming out of the hatch that leads down. We both watched as she quickly twisted her body and twirled gracefully to avoid crashing into them. Seonghwa felt the Captain start moving before even noticing something was wrong.

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