10 (another long one)

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A wow whispered out from my lips as I stared up at the night sky, I went to the railing and watched as the water and the sky seemed to be one. It reminded me of home, the home from my childhood. Standing on the beach and looking up at the stars. I sighed and smiled at the world laid out before me before turning to head up to the outlook nest. Yeosang had looked exhausted, heck they all looked varying levels of exhausted, if I could handle the ship by myself I would, but I cannot. I saw Seonghwa coming towards me, I smiled at him and waited as I stood next to the rope that led up.

"Y/N, before you head up can I ask you a question?" I tilted my head in confusion but nodded my head in reply.

"Do you remember us?" I was so caught off guard by the question. I didn't want to lie to them or restart our crew of 9 with half-truths. We have always been honest with each other. I sighed out and looked back up at the sky, reaching out a hand since it felt like the stars were right there for the taking.

I sighed, "Do you ever feel like you're forgetting something important?" I brought my fist down in front of me before looking up at Seonghwa and quickly noticing the rest of the guys joining us. Guess this is it... if they are memories, it shouldn't be a burden I carry alone for these men were once my everything.

"Flashes of a childhood long forgotten, of family and friends, of a white beach and a hidden hideout, of black smoky clouds and of an island slowly getting farther away as I screamed until I had no voice left..." I trailed off as I felt a tear slide down my face.

I scanned their faces before turning slightly to look out over the waters, "Of promises, that were meant to be kept between 9 friends. Together forever, until the waves take us away," I finished quietly, not sure if they would hear me when suddenly I was swept up in a tight hug. I gasped at the tightness of the hug but recognized Jongho immediately.

"I'm sorry, I forgot you" I whispered to him, and I hugged him tightly to me. He wasn't the most affectionate of people, so I would cherish this hug forever.

He shook his head, as he stood at arm's length, "You have nothing to apologize for... we are here for you, and you don't have to try and remember on your own." He waved to the guys behind him for emphasis.

"I KNEW IT!!" Wooyoung shouted out excitedly as he took Jongho's spot. Lifting me up and twirling me around. I laughed as I was passed around until I finally stood in front of Hongjoong. I fidgeted a bit as the moonlight showed a mixture of emotions flit across his face. I grinned, before feeling it slip from my face. I had been about to call him my hubby from when he used to call me wifey, but then realized so much time has passed. Maybe he did have a wifey and she was waiting for him back home. I mean technically I am still married... wait no I am not. The name on the papers didn't actually have my proper surname on it, making them null and void.

"I see the gears turning in your head, what is going on in there?" Hongjoong asked after closing the gap between us and tapping on my forehead.

"I just realized I am technically not married since my proper surname is not listed on my marriage documents..." I trailed off, as he suddenly grinned at me.

"You remembered..." he closed the gap and hugged me tightly as he whispered, "My wifey, I have been looking for you all this time."

He stepped back, "We have all been looking for you all this time, everyone from the island who sets sail, sails with the secondary purpose of keeping their eyes out for you. Everyone has not forgotten nor given up hope on finding you."

"No one ever gave up?" I was baffled as I looked at each of them. The relief and happiness evident on their faces. I also saw their exhaustion upon their faces.

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