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I dreamed a memory I had long forgotten. The white sand under my feet, while the gentle waves swirled around my ankles. The sun beat down as I stared out at the horizon looking forward to the day. I would roam the world like my parents did, but I would do so with my best friends.

I heard my name shouted and turned, raising my hand to my brow to block the sun in order to view the 8 figures standing there in front of me. I waved as a cool wind took over and the sky darkened. The figures were gone, the sky was filled with smoke. There were large men wearing foreign clothing. I heard myself screaming as they grabbed me, I tried to escape, I called out for help and saw the 8 figures come running out of the woods. They were so far away now... I kept screaming even when on the foreign ship as I watched my homeland disappear. Tears continued to fall, I felt hands on me, and someone was calling my name.

I jerked awake drenched in sweat and breathing heavily. I looked at Wooyoung as he hovered over me. He backed away, allowing me to sit up and rest my head in my hands.

"Did you have a nightmare?" He asked me tentatively. I looked at him and nodded, not realizing I still had tears streaming down my face. Wooyoung's gaze softened as he quickly wiped away my tears before pulling me into a hug. I buried my face into his shoulder. "Want to talk about it?" He whispered into my hair as he rubbed my back.

I sighed and pulled back, not sure if I was ready to share these thoughts. I laid back down and scooched over to give him enough room to lay down. He blew out the candle he had lit when he had heard whimpering and laid down facing me. "I feel like I have something buried deep down within my heart and my brain. You guys remind me of a time when I was just a kid. I think I had some very important friends in my life, and I hope to one day remember them. I hope... it would be nice to be reunited with those people. If they remember me..." I chuckled dryly to myself before continuing. "I remember white sands, and the sun shining, the waves lapping ever so gently at my ankles. That there were 8 other kids and I believe there are promises I am forgetting... promises that were so important to me with people I cherished." I sighed, rubbing my forehead, trying to wrack my brain and remember.

I heard him sigh before saying, "Y/N I highly doubt those friends of yours forgot you and I am sure they are waiting for you to remember them so that you all can be together like it was once before."

"You think they still remember?" I ask half hopeful for the answer.

"No doubt about it," he said, as he rearranged himself and pulled me closer. I rested my head on his chest, and threw my leg over his thigh, pretty much gluing myself to his side. "When did you make such a comfy pillow?" I murmured out starting to drift off again.

"I've always been your comfy pillow," he whispered into my hair, but I didn't hear it as I had quickly fallen back asleep.


Seonghwa looked into the kitchen like his usual morning routine but found it quiet and empty. He wandered around the ship, encountering everyone but Wooyoung and Y/N. We all stood outside of their room, before gently pushing the door open. We saw Wooyoung and Y/N cuddled together on her bed. Her face seemed a bit puffy like she had cried, and we quickly noticed that Wooyoung was actually awake. He lifted his hand and waved to them before placing his finger to lips signaling for the others to be quiet. They would often find Y/N curled up with Wooyoung or San somewhere taking a nap when we were kids.

"Should we wake her up?" Mingi said in his normal booming voice causing her to open her eyes. She groaned and stretched before peering at us all, "Are we late?"


Chuckles echoed around me as I lifted my head and groggily peered up at them, then down at Wooyoung. Ah yes, I had a nightmare. I frowned as I glanced around at them before pushing Wooyoung to get off my bed. I held up a hand, "Before anyone says anything I had a nightmare, Wooyoung woke me up and comforted me, don't get any weird ideas..." I trailed off getting a weird sense of DeJa'Vu as I looked up at the guys. Why do I feel like I have said this before?

"You guys need us to make up some food?" Wooyoung asked as I appeared to be having an internal battle.

Hongjoong continued to look at me with interest, while the others nodded and left with Wooyoung to go to the kitchen. I looked up at him and smiled as he sat on the edge of my bed, I scooted to the edge also and sat beside him. I nudged him, "You got a lot on your mind?"

He nodded but didn't say anything. I tilted my head as I turned to look at him, taking in his profile. "I can see the wheels turning in your head Captain, do you want to talk about it?"

He shook his head, "I can't talk about it yet," he said with a soft smile. "Yet..." I repeated after him.

I felt like he knew something, that they all knew something, but I wasn't in the loop. I decided to drop it and change the subject. "I have to pick up my clothes today, right?"

He finally looked me in the eye, surprised that I had not pressed, "Yes, I won't be able to accompany you, since we really need all hands to help onload the ship so that we can go home."

I nodded in reply before standing and stretching more, "Okay, no worries. Let's go get some food," I said, holding out my hand to him to help him stand.

He firmly took hold of my hand and let me pull him up, as a memory flashed before of a young boy looking up and laughing at me as I pulled him into the standing position harder than I should have and causing us to crash into each other. I blinked and shook the thought out of my head, as I watched Hongjoong's retreating figure. Did I know Hongjoong from before? Was he one of the 8 figures I see in my memories? Wait...8 figures? The main crew was 8 and I was number 9 now. There was no way that these people were those kids from my dreams... were they?

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