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After cooking up a quick, but hearty breakfast, we all got to work getting supplies loaded onto the ship. We worked hard under the sun, sweat dripping off our bodies as we lifted and moved cartons. In the afternoon, I left to head into town to get my clothes while the guys finished up. I found the shop and after some small talk with Mary, I was making my way back through town with my satchel of clothes flung over my shoulder. I looked at the vendors' stalls as I walked by them, keeping a close attention on my surroundings as I wandered. I maneuvered around a group of men before one reached out and grabbed my wrist. I stopped and glared at the hand that was wrapped around my wrist.

"Pretty locket you got there girly, where'd you get it?" a young man asked me.

I continued to look at the hand holding my wrist, " I suggest you remove your hand from me before you lose it," I said coldly as I raised my eyes to meet the group in front of me. I felt the hand loosen at my words, and then re grip and try to pull me closer. I dropped my satchel, stepped into the pull bringing my foot up to connect with his groin. He released me as he doubled over, which caused me to quickly grab my satchel of clothes and start running towards the docks. Fuckity fuck fuck... I could hear the yells of those behind me yelling for me to stop and all other profanities. Nope, definitely not stopping, I thought as I quickly saw the ship come into view. I put forward another burst of speed as I peered over my shoulder, they hadn't appeared to be fast, but they were gaining on me. I hit the main dock and only prayed that someone from the crew saw me as I continued to run, my lungs on fire.

Yeosang heard some shouts getting closer to the ship, causing him to look over the railing to see what was going on. What he saw had him tearing across the deck and yelling for everyone else, "Y/N is being chased!!"

Everyone moved quickly following Yeosang as he sprinted down the ramp and up the dock, they were tied off too. They were almost to the end when they saw Y/N suddenly grabbed around the waist and lifted off her feet. They instantly recognized the rival crew of theirs, while we came from the same island there were always factions among the families. They watched as she threw her head back into the nose of the guy that had grabbed her, causing him to release her and her to stumble forward. She saw us and went to move forward again when she was grabbed again, she started to scream our names. It was so similar to that day that we felt our blood run cold as we ran to close the distance between us. We would not lose her again.


The guy that now had his arms around me, suddenly released me when I started screaming for my guys. I stumbled forward, falling onto my hands and knees. I attempted to stand on my own, but my legs keep giving out on me, I was so scared. I thought back to being flung over the shoulder of some strange man that had come onto our island, I screamed for my friends. We had promised to be together forever, but I had been taken away from them. I looked up as I heard the running of feet to see my 8 best friends come into view, it was them all along. Always them... "Hongjoong" I murmured out before losing consciousness.

--Hongjoong POV--

I recognized the one that just released her to be Eric. She had stumbled forward from the sudden release and fallen behind some boxes and did not seem to be reappearing. We turned the corner only to see her struggling to regain her footing, her eyes laid upon us. There was terror in her eyes, when suddenly something like recognition flashed through her eyes. It didn't last long as her eyes rolled back, and she collapsed fully to the deck. Eric and his group looked up at us as we neared, "So you finally found her?"

We were wary but Hongjoong stepped up, "Yes and we aren't letting anyone take her from us again."

Eric raised his hands in surrender, "I would never do that, we may have bullied you guys a long time ago, but we were all devastated when she was taken."

Eric frowned as he looked down at the scene in front of him. So similar to when they were kids except Jongho was hovering over his sister. "She didn't seem to remember me..." Eric trailed off.

"She doesn't remember anyone," Seonghwa stated as he glared at the ragtag group in front of them.

"Wait for reals, she doesn't even remember any of you?" Kevin, another member, asked surprised.

Everyone turned and looked at her unconscious body, before Yeosang moved forward and scooped her up. He started walking with her in his arms, not caring to stay for the rest of the conversation.

Hongjoong took care of Eric and crew, which ended more amicably than he thought it would. He made his way back to the ship with Mingi, Yunho, San and Wooyoung. Jongho, Seonghwa and Yeosang were already with Y/N.

--Italics = Flashbacks/Dreams--

I ran out of the house after saying goodbye to my parents and started making my way to our secret hideout. There was a cave along the beach that we had found, it was a dead-end cave but perfect for us. None of the other kids came this far down the beach, I entered the cave noticing the cooler temperatures causing goosebumps to break out along my arms and legs. Hongjoong was already there, and he scooped me up for a hug. I laughed as he tried swinging me around, like Mingi and Yunho did. He wasn't tall enough yet, but I was sure he would have another growth spurt... we weren't even in our teens yet.

"How's my future wife doing on this fine day?" Hongjoong asked me. I laughed and blushed. He always said that, but I always retorted we shall see what happens when we get older. As long as we were all together, I would be happy. Jongho came running in behind me and jumped on my back. I laughed at my baby brother, "You are going to get too big to do this one day," I said.

"Then I will carry you when that day comes," my brother responded.

I heard bickering coming from the front of the cave, which must be San, Wooyoung and Yeosang. Jongho climbed off my back so that I could run to the front of the cave, I tackled my three besties causing them to all laugh as they stumbled back. Yunho and Mingi finally came into view laughing about something and Seonghwa jogging behind them to catch up. I avoided the two growing giants and went to Seonghwa knowing that the others had probably played a joke on him. I squished his cheeks, before I was scooped up from behind. I squealed as Mingi carried me away and practically tossed me to Yunho.

"How dare you avoid us when we're first to arrive!" Mingi's voice came out loudly. I laughed as Yunho spun me around.

"Well, if it didn't seem like Seonghwa was pouting I would have stopped with you guys first, but you guys played a joke huh?" I somewhat scolded them.

I watched as San and Hongjoong went to Seonghwa to cheer him up.


We laid in a row watching the clouds drift by pointing out different interesting shapes. The sky was darkening, and a storm was going to be coming in, we could all tell. We sat and watched the waves get bigger as the winds changed. Once the first raindrops fell, we decided to run back home. We never timed it right and always ended up soaked. We would dance in the rain together until thunder and lightning rolled overhead. I never liked thunder and the guys would take turns holding their hands over my ears while I held my knees to my chest with my eyes closed.


I was down by the water looking for something in particular to bring back to our hideout when the smell of something burning caught my attention. I turned and saw black clouds billowing up where my home would be. I heard voices coming up the beach towards me, I stood and watched confused as strangely dressed people came towards me. I should have run, but I had stood frozen in place, terrified. I must protect the others, is what I thought but when they strange men tried to drag me away, I resisted. It wasn't until one threw me over his shoulder that I started to scream. I called for everyone, I yelled for Jongho to get our parents, I called for Hongjoong and stared at them with tears in my eyes when they appeared. We both knew that they couldn't take on these strange men. I watched as the others held, Hongjoong back before they took off towards the village.

I watched as my island disappeared over the horizon, as the ship I was tied to sailed further and further away.

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