5 ( a bit long but enjoy)

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The days flew by, I helped Wooyoung in the kitchen for every meal. San was my main teacher for learning how to fight hand to hand, while Yeosong taught me how to fight with a cutlass. Mingi taught me how to fire a pistol, I wasn't a particular fan of that. He ended up becoming my opponent in my spars with San, so that I knew what it was like to fight someone nearly twice my size.

I was proficient in knife throwing and Hongjoong told me that he would take me out in the next port we hit to get clothes and proper weapons that would suit me. Yunho and Seonghwa taught me how to read maps and navigate the waters. Yunho also made sure my braid was fixed whenever he saw me. I met with Jongho every day to get my injuries checked out, he was like a little brother I never had. He was surprisingly only a year and a half younger than me, which I had found out on the day I was to get my stitches removed.

I fiddled with my locket as he worked on my head, removing them one by one. In two days, we were going to be pulling into a new port, causing me to be both nervous and excited. "If I had gotten to sew this up right after it happened, you wouldn't have as much of a scar, but you are going to have a pretty vivid scar there."

I shrugged as he stepped away. "Maybe people will not mess with me because of said scar," I looked up at him grinning. He looked at the locket in between my fingers. How had he not noticed it until today? It was gold and had a star engraved on it. He frowned at the locket feeling uneasy suddenly.

"You got a nice locket there, it must be important to you." He said, causing me to look down at my locket before back at him. I nodded. "It is the only thing I have from my childhood..." I frowned before standing up from the chair. "Pretty sure I was taken from my real family, but my childhood is so hazy it is hard to remember." I continued before dropping the locket under my shirt.

I looked at Jongho and smiled sadly at him. "It can only get better from here, right?" I asked as I left the room.

Jongho dropped into the chair after Y/N left the room, running his hands through his hair before pulling a chain from under his shirt letting his own locket pop free of his shirt. His locket was the same as hers except slightly larger. On the inside, one side of the locket had a picture of his parents and on the other side held an old picture of his long-lost sister with her arms wrapped around a boy. The boy in her arms was him, and his sister had been taken when colonists raided their island 11 years ago.

"There is no way..." He thought before standing and making quick strides to the door in order to report his thoughts to Hongjoong.

We pulled into port a couple days later where the temporary crew members that had only joined us to make it to this port would leave us. In this port we needed to drop off orders and pick up supplies to bring back to their home island. I worked hard to keep up, Jongho and I had gotten closer, and everyone treated me like I was a long lost loved one. We all appeared to click. Though I was constantly reminding myself not to get too close and that they were only being nice because they saved my life, I was not technically a permanent member of the crew and would need approval to call their island home, my own home.

Hongjoong collected me so that he could take me to get clothes and gear required for me to be a permanent member of his crew. He was determined to keep me on as a crew member, which made me happy but also concerned. He insisted it would all work out, so here we are making the bells ring as we opened the door to a clothing shop. A middle-aged woman walked out from behind the curtains. She looked me over from head to toe before making eye contact with Hongjoong causing a smile to grace her lips.

"Well well well... I see the Captain has picked himself up a stray. Need to get her dressed up?" She questioned and I almost rolled my eyes at the stray remark.

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