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I stared at the captain of the Naval ship talking to Hongjoong while his crew wandered around the ship looking for a stow away. The crew had briefly glanced at me but in the short amount of time that had passed since joining the crew I had lost a lot of fat and toned up considerably, plus with my hair and the scar I barely looked like the picture they had. Though the Naval Captain had me nervous, as I stood with my arms crossed leaning against the railing waiting. I watched him and knew he recognized me, so I stared at them talking. I saw Hongjoong sigh and step aside letting the Naval Captain walk over to me. Hongjoong went and stood next to Seonghwa watching me carefully.

Captain Taeyong now stood in front of me, scanning me over from my boots to the top of my head, his eyes lingering on my scar. I sighed but didn't make any acknowledgment, as I was waiting for him and continued to wait for him to speak first. He moved and now stood next to me, folding his arms onto the railing so he could lean a bit over the railing. He looked at me before gazing back over the waters, "I'm sorry I wasn't able to help you when you needed it."

I felt my eyes widen in shock as I stared at him. I leaned my head back trying to keep the tears at bay, "It is what it is, I am going home now."

I looked Hongjoong and Seonghwa and smiled a bit before turning to Taeyong. "He'll kill me if I go back; I would much rather die here and now than by his hands."

"You're not going back, pretty sure your friends would fight to the bitter end to keep you by their sides," Taeyong announced, while standing up straight causing me to turn towards him. "I've always hated your husband, so be free Y/N."

His blunt statement made me burst out laughing, causing him to grin at me. He looked over at the other two that were staring at us, "They better take good care of you," he said as started walking away waving. He started yelling for his crew to get back to their ship, and just like that they were gone as fast as they arrived.


I was grinning to myself... I was free for real. I slipped my locket back over my head, making sure it laid properly on my chest. "So, Y/N what did that Captain say to you?" San asked gently.

I jerked my head up to meet their eyes. "Oh Captain Taeyong?" I tilted my head looking at them. They nodded back.

"That he hated my husband and to be free," I repeated the words that Taeyong had said to me, "Also, that you guys better take care of me," I finished, grinning at the guys.

They grinned back at me, before Seongwha came over and threw his arm around me. "Of course, because we are not letting you out of our sight."

I sighed at the protectiveness. I stretched and yawned a bit before making eye contact with Hongjoong. "Is it our turn for sleep for a little bit?"

They looked between the two of us realizing Hongjoong has been up for over 30 hours and I have been up for about 20 now. "Seonghwa, I leave the ship in your hands," Hongjoong said before walking down from our area so he could go to his quarters and I could head below deck to my bed.


I woke to the ship rocking violently. We must be in the storm that Yunho and Minho had mentioned about. The ocean appeared to be angry, so I quickly got dressed to head up to the main deck to see if anyone needed help. My knees buckled when thunder seemed to explode above the ship. Come on Y/N, you need to grow out of your fear, how can you be a pirate if you can't even help out in a storm. The guys can't protect you forever and thunder can't even hurt you.

I can do this and with that thought I quickly ran through the decks, making my way as fast as I could, bouncing off the walls whenever the ship rocked violently. I made it to the main deck as a flash of lightning spread across the dark sky. The rain pelted my body, and the wind was howling. Thunder boomed above again, causing me to flinch, but when I saw Yeosang and Jongho fighting with one of the ropes I forced my body to move. It appeared we were trying to pull up the big sails, to protect them from getting damaged and us being carried where we didn't want to go. I scrambled across the decks, as waves crashed over them. Finally getting to the ropes so we could work together to get those pulled up and tied up.

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