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The door slammed open again and everyone poured back into the Captain's quarters. They seemed hectic but there was a calm about them, and everything was under control as they followed Jongho's orders. The side of my head was shaved, my wound was thoroughly cleaned and disinfected, which caused it to reopen the wound and blood to pour down. Wooyoung and who I learned was San were the only two to not come back since it was time for the crew to eat.

I gritted through the pain of getting the stitches and didn't even realize that the Captain's hand was within my own, which I was clinging to for dear life. He didn't seem fazed by how tightly I was holding onto his hand, but it gave me comfort when he squeezed my hand back. A couple tears slid down my face, which he wiped away with his free hand. I blinked at him in surprise. I looked at the rest of the guys hovering around, they all looked at me with concern. It was like I was one of their friends or even their sister. The care and gentleness I was receiving from all of them was nothing I had ever experienced. More tears began to fall, but not from pain, more from the emotions that were beginning to overwhelm me. I had stopped crying after the first few times I was beaten by my husband, I just stomped it all down and now it was just pouring out of me.

The door slammed open again to show San and Wooyoung. "WAH why she crying?! Who made her cry?!" Wooyoung yelled as soon as he laid eyes on me. Jongho had finished the stitches and was standing out of the way as Wooyoung came forward cupping my face. I squeaked, surprised at his closeness and his hands on my face. He turned my face and glanced at the side of my head while the rest of the guys started up a ruckus with how close we were before San grabbed Wooyoung from behind pulling his friend away from me. I stared at them wide eyed with tears pouring from my eyes. I watched as they clamored noisily about telling Wooyoung to calm down before releasing a watery chuckle, amused by the scene in front of me causing them to turn to me. I have only felt this kind of warmth and caring from before being brought to the port town I had just escaped. They were memories and feelings from long ago, memories I tried so hard to remember but seemed to have locked away.

I wiped my face as I stood up from my chair, wobbling a bit, which made the Captain and Jongho move to catch me if I went down. "My name is Y/N, I look forward to our adventure together." I watched a couple eyes widen but then quickly those expressions were schooled. I didn't know why my name would catch some of them by surprise.

I managed to dry my tears and quickly learned their names and roles. Turns out they are the original crew of this ship. They normally picked up other crew members temporarily as making a permanent life on their home island usually came with approval from the island leaders. Hongjoong was the captain, Seonghwa was the Captain's right-hand man (the quartermaster), Wooyoung was the cook, Jongho was the medic, Yunho the giant puppy was the Sailing Master, Yeosang is a Boatswain, San and Mingi were gunners.

While those were their main titles, they helped out with other things to make sure that the ship made it from point A to point B efficiently and safely. I leaned back in the chair still sitting in the Captain's quarter's and stared at the overhead thinking things over. I had no idea what time it was or when I had finally woken up earlier. I turned my head and gazed at the Captain who was sitting at his desk with Yunho going over charts. Everyone else had dispersed to check the ship and crew. I had been told to not move for a bit and regain some energy before heading below deck.

Bored, I stood up and noticed both Yunho and Hongjoong had gone quiet to watch me. I walked to the mirror that was firmly mounted to the bulkhead and checked out Jongho's work. I looked pretty badass with the side of my head shaved, I thought to myself, and I pulled the hair up on the other side, twisting my head this way and that. Perhaps I should shave the other side off... I glanced around before noticing a piece of leather string on a table nearby. I separated my hair into two sections, tying the top middle section back and my other side was hanging loose. I picked up the blade and carefully started shaving the other side of my head, the entire time I could feel four eyes on me. I nodded to myself, satisfied with my shaving job, before I released the hair in the middle. I attempted to reach up again to try and braid it back but ended up hissing out a breath of pain, as I felt the skin over my ribs pull as I tried my best to raise both my hands higher in order to braid my hair properly.

I dropped my hands in defeat and pouted to myself in the mirror. The door opened, to reveal Seonghwa. He looked at me first, and I turned to him still pouting.

"Does anyone know how to braid?" I asked. I looked back in the mirror before trying to lift my hands again to braid it. "Will you just stop and sit down?" The Captain's voice cut through the room. I raised an eyebrow at his tone but went and sat down as Yunho made his way over to me. I tilted my head back at him, my eyes widening at him as he towered over me. He realized he may be scaring me, and he stepped back a few.

"I know how to braid," he said to me, holding his hands up.

I nodded and carefully turned my back to him. His hands were gentle as he braided, being careful not to create too tight a braid so that it would not pull at my stitches. I heard Seonghwa and Hongjoong discussing something further back but could not make out the words. A knock came on the door, with Hongjoong quickly saying enter before continuing his conversation with Seonghwa. Wooyoung and San entered with food, to which my stomach graciously announced itself to the room. I felt myself turn red at how loud my stomach had grumbled. I heard Yunho chuckle at me before he took the leather strip from me and tied it to the end of the braid holding it in place.

"Thanks," I said quietly nodding my head at him. He shrugged and went back to the table where there was food placed down for him and the Captain. Wooyoung took the tray from San and came over to me. "You have to be hungry so here eat up and regain your strength."

I nodded and took the tray, placing it on my lap. I ripped the bread and dipped it into the stew and savored the taste. I ate, staring at Wooyoung who was squatting in front of me watching me eat. I wasn't uncomfortable, but I didn't know why he was watching me so closely. I cleared my throat, causing him to meet my eyes.

"I like your hair Y/N," he finally said before continuing. "I don't understand how someone can cause so much damage to such a beautiful human being, especially one they are supposed to love and protect."

I coughed, as I almost choked on the stew trying to go down the wrong pipe. I looked at everyone and they were watching me. I pursed my lips and thought about it. "He usually didn't hit my face." I announced quietly, lowering my head over my bowl which was now empty. The tray disappeared from lap and soon the top of Wooyoung's head was there. His arms wrapped around me, gently pulling me closer to him in a hug. "No, you should never have been hit, period."

I sighed and leaned into his body, returning his hug. I turned my face to hide it in the crook of his neck as everyone was watching us again. It has been a long time since I have felt safe in the arms of a man.

I turned my head and looked at everyone in the room, "Thank you for giving me this second chance at life."

I saw a grin grace Hongjoong's lips before he replaced it back with that stern look. He waved it away and everyone chuckled at his reaction to me. I smiled at them before pulling away from Wooyoung and squished his cheeks causing more laughter to erupt in the room.

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