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Hongjoong's POV

This girl was going to be the death of him. From the moment he laid eyes on her he knew there was something about her that would forever change him and his crew's lives. He thought back to Jongho's report about her locket being the same as his. At that time only Yunho, Seonghwa and himself had been in his cabin room when Jongho came barging in. We all knew what the locket represented and who his parents were. We all had been kids when the raid had happened, and I vividly remembered the smile that was always on Jongho's sister's face when they chased each other and explored the island.

He also remembered her scream of terror when she had run off to get something from a nearby beach. He remembered her screaming their names for help and they had only made it in time to see her being carried away by strangers. We were just kids, how were we to fight these strangers that were carrying weapons. We had run back to the village only to find half of it on fire, villagers scrambling to put the fires out. There were dead bodies scattered about. He had quickly stepped up to instruct his friends to help put out the fires, but to keep their eyes peeled for their families. We finally managed to find Jongho's parents, and we told them what had happened. They were devastated and held onto Jongho like he was their lifeline. They were the village leaders; retired pirates are what you could call them, and their daughter had been taken away. The entire village felt the loss heavily.

He shook his head. He hadn't thought much about Y/N's name being the same as Jongho's sister's name. He had thought it was a coincidence, but fate apparently had other plans. Though, to make sure he had asked Mary the seamstress to see if there was a star birthmark on Y/N's body. If she was really Jongho's long lost sister and my partner in crime, there should be a star shaped birthmark on her hip. When Mary confirmed the birthmark, he could feel his world tilt on its axis.

She had found them, but she didn't seem to remember them at all. Which was devastating and would break all of their hearts because the rowdy childhood crew of 9 were back together. He had been so lost in thought that he had not realized his coin pouch had been pickpocketed until he heard a scuffle behind him. By the time he turned around he saw Y/N on the ground, kneeling over someone and holding his coin pouch up to him. She grinned at him, before turning and scowling down at the thief. He mentally scolded himself for not paying attention, before taking the pouch from Y/N and securely fastening it to himself. He knelt, "You are lucky that she caught you and not me for you would disappear quickly from this earth," he whispered into the thief's ear before standing and nodding to Y/N for her to release. She stood and brushed herself off, but he had already walked away. He heard her quickly catch up to me and we made our way down to the port.

The rest of the crew gathered round and complimented Y/N on her attire, and she showed off her new weapons to Yeosang, San and Mingi. She did a little dance, excited about everything and right then we all saw a glimmer of our childhood friend in front of us. Jongho made eye contact with me, and I nodded, causing Jongho to lower his head.

"Y/N, why don't you go put all your toys away as you don't need to be carrying all those sharp objects on your body," he shouted out to her. She nodded and headed through a hatch that led below decks. Currently, she shared a room with Wooyoung since they worked together and it made sense for them to room together, since they both needed to be up at the same hours to make sure food was ready for the rest of the crew. He waved for the rest of the crew to follow into his own chambers, where he flopped down into the chair behind his desk.

"So, it is really her..." Jongho trailed off, but I still nodded.

"I wonder why she doesn't seem to remember us." Seonghwa murmured, which caused everyone else to murmur in agreement.

"Traumatic experiences can cause memory loss, her brain may be causing her not to remember the time of her childhood because of the trauma she endured of being taken from us," Jongho announced sadly.

"Is there any way we can get her to remember us?" San asked

We all looked at each other. "Something may trigger in her mind when the island comes into view, though you know we are going to have to fill her parents in when we get home," Yeosang announced looking at me. I nodded and rubbed my hand over my face.

"We need to be careful of other crews recognizing that locket on her neck," Yunho pointed out, causing us all to groan. Yes, if another rival crew recognized her, they would have no problem trying to take her away and deliver her to her parents. There was a reward for her to be found but that didn't matter to us, it was more along the lines she was with us once again and damned if we would lose her again.

The door opened and she popped her head into the room, "Why do you guys look like the world is ending?" She asked as she stepped fully into the room and took in everyone's face as they looked at her. "Um... am I interrupting? I can come back later."

I waved her worries away, "No, we have discussed everything that needs to be discussed. Why don't we all go out in town and have a meal and drinks?" I asked of the crew, causing everyone to cheer, even Y/N. I made eye contact with each man as Y/N went back onto the main deck, we all knew what we had to do. Keep an eye on her and make sure nothing happened.


Dinner wasn't as uneventful as I would have liked. I ended up decking someone who had decided to grope me on my way back from the washroom. Then there was a full-on brawl as his buddies tried cornering me, which caused my guys to step in. They stood in front me, between me and bullies, which caused an image to flash through my mind of 8 boys standing with their backs to me against some other kids. Just as quickly it was gone. I shook my head, frowning before hearing an insult about me and something about being a whore on a ship to keep the crew satisfied.

Hongjoong's fist was the first to fly, then the rest jumped in. I stared at the pile in front of me before seeing someone raising a chair over to try and bring it down on Jongho. How dare someone try and pick on my baby brother! I grabbed a nearby tray and flung it with all my might, which I followed. The tray landed home and I followed shortly thereafter, ramming my shoulder into the gut of the man that had towered over Jongho. We both crashed onto an empty table, knocking the wind out of him. I stood up and noticed everyone looking at me, I twitched my head towards the door hoping to get our guys out of the tavern before more chaos broke out. I made my way to Hongjoong who was still holding onto the guy that had insulted me. I grabbed the coin purse off the stranger that had insulted me and looked inside happy to see some gold coins. I pulled a couple gold coins and then put the coin purse back, I stepped over the bodies and put the coins on the bar.

"Sorry bout that, the guys are a little overprotective of me."

I turned and saw my guys separating themselves from the other brawlers, "let's head back," I said and started making my way to the door knowing that they would follow me. I heard a couple thuds of bodies hitting the floor but otherwise they quickly crowded around me.

"Y/N the way you gut checked and lifted that guy onto the table." "Wow now I need to doubly make sure I never get on your bad side." I smiled and nodded at their words but was lost somewhere in my own head. What was that flash of for those 8 kids standing in front of me? Why did I get so scared and mad when I saw Jongho in danger? Why did I think of him as my brother?

I turned my head and looked at Jongho, who was staring at me concerned. I smiled gently at him and shook off the feeling of unease coursing through me right now. I laughed at the guys dancing their way to the ramp that led onto the ship. Why did I feel like something was hovering in the back of mind, that something was buried deep in my heart, something important that I was forgetting?

"Alright guys let's turn in and get some sleep. We have a busy day tomorrow onloading the ship to return to the homeland." Seonghwa announced as he guided his rowdy mates down the hatch. 

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