Chapter 1

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Your grandmother was coming over to live with you for a week. It's no big deal if you think rationally. Every grandparent has a right to come live with their grandchildren. And when the grandkid is as rich and successful as the youngest leading entrepreneur of the city, the moment of pride increases tenfold.

You were that youngest entrepreneur of the city. Kim YN, awarded as businesswoman of the year at the age of 29 with her leading affordable cologne brand, Essence. 

Every year, the title was given to old men who've been running some family business for ages but as your products gained popularity in a short span of time over a very wide audience, it didn't come as a surprise to everyone that you'd be the next recipient of the honor.

When your grandmother found out about it, she had a minor heart attack because of happiness. But right after the doctors gave her a green signal that she's all better, she started packing her bags to come live with you.

Now the deal was, that you've told your family, who lived back in your hometown, that you have a boyfriend. And if that wasn't the trouble enough, you also went ahead and told them you're madly in love with him and that he lives with you.

Holding your head in your hands, you took 3 deep breaths. One - two - three 

The real problem rose when you realized how big of a lie your love life was. You've been single for as long as you could remember. Having a boy in your 5 feet radius was a far memory.

The last time you dated was for 2 days and then the guy dumped you just because you didn't wear socks to bed. Huh??

"How am I supposed to get a boyfriend now?" You groaned frustrated at your own web of lies that you're getting trapped in. 

A small knock on your door brought you back to the present. "May I come in Miss" your secretary asked from outside.

You took another deep breath, stabilised yourself and put on a smile before calling her in. Your personal problems should never meddle in your professional work.

"Yes, Rosie" you called her in. She came in, tapping on her iPad as she walked over to your table. She was a young, blonde woman in her 30's whom you hired a year back. She was the most reliable secretary you can ever ask for and a very good friend to you as well. Your only friend if you will.

"You have to sign the consignment for The Insight group. A meeting is scheduled around 11 at the City trade centre and board members want to have a discussion regarding our US branch" Rosie, like every other secretary, chanted the series of appointments you had for the day. It was 9 o'clock in the morning and you're already packed with responsibilities and duties and to top it all, the family crisis was also there. 

"Please cancel the meeting at 11. I need some other things to take care of first" you said in a defeated tone. Even though you wanted to sound alright, You couldn't hide the dejection in your words.

"What's wrong?" Rosie immediately asked at your sudden order. You're never the one to cancel meetings. Even if the world was burning in fire or drowning in rainwater, you never ever cancel meetings.

"Nothing. Just some family issue" you indirectly told her. How would telling her change anything? How can she help? Maybe- she can.

"Spill" you saw her waiting for you to elaborate. You took a deep breath for what seemed like the millionth time in the past hour and started.

"My grandmother is coming over for a week or something" you said and dropped your head on the table. 

"And what's the problem with that? Your ceiling's leaking? Water problems? A hole on the floor?" Her words made you let out a chuckle and shake your head. "What is it?" She asked further.

"You're gonna make me say it, won't you?" You asked and she eagerly nodded with a smirk.

"I've been lying to her and my entire family. About.." another knock sounded on your door, interrupting you "In a minute" you said from inside just as the door opened. The door closed again and you started speaking.

"I've told her about having a boyfriend which i most definitely don't. Now she wants to come meet me and him because I've gone on to add that we live together which is another big ass lie" you told her. She kept listening as if it's a movie story.

"Where do I get a boyfriend? She'll be here in 2 days and I have no idea how to make a boy appear around this time" you said, dreading all of your lies.

"Why don't you tell her the truth?" She asked. You looked at her as she asked for your one and only functional liver.

"I can't. She had a heart attack not 4 months ago. I can't risk something like that to happen again" you explained, still on the verge of crying.

Rosie thought for a while, turning her brain gears to formulate some way out of the mess. "Hire someone" she finally said. 

" What?" She's joking right? She has to be joking, suggesting something like that!!

"Hire someone to be your boyfriend. Fake one at that. Pay him to play along for a week and you'd be alright" she elaborated her master plan.

"And where do I get someone who's willing to get paid to be a fake boyfriend" after giving the suggestion some thought, you asked the director of the idea. 

"I know a few guys. They're probably a little older than you but I think it'd work. I'll let you know" Rosie assured you. After a few more minutes of brainstorming, Rosie went back to her seat and you got back to the files in front of you. The consignment. 

A little relieved that now you atleast have a way to deal with the problem, you went out of your office to have a walk around the floor. Getting your dose of coffee, you stood at a huge glass window, outlooking the city view when Rosie approached you again.

"YN, I've found a few guys. Take a look" she showed you her iPad where the social media profile of a guy was open. "This is Mark. He's 39 and single. Lives with his parents so you don't have to worry about him behaving oddly in front of your granny. He's a great option" she said.

You looked at him. Semi bald, with a belly resembling a pregnant woman. He wasn't fat. He was fit from all over his body but the belly was a little protruding. It looked odd plus the balding scalp. You weren't judging him for his looks but your grandmother would because that's what they do. They want the perfect guy for their girls.

"I'll let you know" , hesitantly, you told her. You weren't very sure if her idea would work. You would need to work yourself too. Rosie nodded and left after telling you the further schedule. 

You took a deep breath -again- and turned around to look at the view once again. You were hoping and praying for something magical to happen now to help you out.

"I'll do it" 

You heard a voice from behind. Confused, you turned around to the source of voice only to find someone you never thought you'd see around this floor. 

Standing in front of you was Kim Taehyung, head of the Marketing Department from 2nd floor offering his help to you.

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