Chapter 4

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"Welcome home" you heard the familiar sound. Taehyung was home. Before 5 pm. You weren't expecting him but he was here and you guys haven't discussed anything about how to actually act in front of your grandmother.

"Tae!" You exclaimed, equal parts excited and equal parts nervous. "You're home!!" It was more like a question than an assertion.

"I came early today" he answered, his usually scowl adoring face suddenly bright for the show.

"Who's this young man?" You heard your grandmother ask from when she stood beside you. You didn't forget about her but seeing Taehyung was something very unexpected.

"Hi. Kim Taehyung" he bowed in respect and introduced himself properly "I'm your granddaughter's boyfriend"

That earned an evident eyebrow raise from your grandmother and she immediately broke into a beautiful smile you were picturing the whole time she was alongside you. She walked forward and engulfed Taehyung in a warm and full hug. Well as fuller as her arms can go around him.

"Oh my god! You're real" that earned a gasp from you as you watched your grandmother bewildered. She didn't think you had a real boyfriend!!

"What do you mean he's real? Of course he's real! You thought I lied to you?" You walked over and stood beside Taehyung. You quickly wrapped your arm around his bicep and questioned the old woman.

"Of course not! But you know it's difficult to believe you when you tell me about him. You know after h.." she stopped. She looked at you and then at Taehyung beside you who had a difficult expression on his face.

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't know he wasn't aware about h.." she started speaking once again taking the hint when you jumped in between.

"Okay okay" you cut her midway, nervous where her words were going. Taehyung didn't need to know the tid-bits of your past on the very first day of this charade.

"I think it was enough for now. Let's continue your questions after you take a shower and a nap. Hmm?" You held your grandmother's hand and guided her inside your own bedroom. She could have the other guest bedroom which Taehyung wasn't using but you really wanted to stay and sleep with her so you pushed her inside and then brought her bags from Taehyung who was halfway through to your bedroom door.

"But i want to talk to him" she protested and made a.pouty face but you didn't give in.

"First a shower. Then a nap and then talk to him. He isn't going anywhere" you looked back at the boy who was busy straightening his t-shirt.

"Yes of course. I'm not going anywhere. You take rest for now. We'll talk during dinner" Taehyung gave the sweetest smile and somehow that seemed to melt your grandmother's heart. She went inside the room, and soon after hopped into the shower.

"Thank you," you said to Taehyung. You both were back in the living room and he's switched off the happy and cheerful Taehyung to being his usual grumpy Taehyung self.

"For what?" He asked, scrunching his brows.

"For backing me up back there. I didn't expect you to be here but you were. So thank you for that" you finished. You were really grateful to him for being around when your grandmother arrived. Even though you haven't told him to come, he did and it was more than enough for you.

"We have a deal, Miss Kim. I'll help you. There's nothing to be thankful about. This is a preposition" he said. The words suddenly pierced as he said them but you didn't react and nodded calmly.

"And please start calling me YN around here. We can't have her doubt us. Or anything you'd like to call me other than Miss Kim" you smiled a little while saying so. The formality with which Taehyung addresses you -his supposed girlfriend- was amusing to you.

"Alright. I'll keep that in mind Miss Kim" he said and there was a silence before both of you ended up in a small chuckle. 

"I think we need to make up stories now. She might want to know how we met or who approached whom first. We should cover little things like that" Taehyung suggested. 

"That's very unlikely. I've pretty much covered the whole thing on the texts or calls. She won't ask anything" you told him. All the time you lied to her about your alleged relationship, you thought about fantastical stories you'd tell her about how you met the love of your life or how he proposed but never actually told her anything. 

The topic came a number of times and everytime you saved yourself from answering it by saying 'it was nothing special' 

You doubt your grandmother would be any more curious about that stuff.

"Alright. So should we prepare dinner? She'll be out soon I think" you asked him. Taehyung was an excellent cook. The past 2 days he stayed at your place, you get to taste the dinner he made yesternight. He made delicious fried chicken and rice and you instantly loved the dish. 

"Sure. She needs to be fed properly and timely" he was considerate towards your grandmother's health and you liked it about him. 

With a few more minutes of clearing stuff, you two marched towards the kitchen to start with dinner preparation. He suggested making something traditional but light on the spices. You wanted something sweet too so you ended up making stew, roasted fish, soup and rice. For dessert, you opted for instant pan fried rice cakes with sweet red beans.

In 2 hours, the dinner was ready and as if on cue, your grandmother came out of the room as well. Refreshed, bathed and well rested. 

"This house smells like heaven" your grandmother glanced around the dinner table and saw the many dishes you've prepared. "It smells delicious here"

"Thank you grandma. Tae made these" you gestured towards your boyfriend. Your grandmother's eyes gleamed and she came forward to pat Taehyung on his back "That's good. You passed one of the tests" she said and took a seat. 

You looked at him while sitting beside her and across from Taehyung "Test? Was there supposed to be a test?" You asked, perplexed.

"Of course. I am your grandmother. It's my duty to check and test if the guy you're with is worthy of you. I'm just playing my part" that made you gasp. You were taken aback by her admission while Taehyung found all of it so amusing he was letting out small chuckles and smiles in between serving.

"You have all the rights Grandma. I'm honored to pass the first bar" Taehyung set a plate with all the dishes in front of your grandmother and bowed politely. This was not the man you hired a few years ago. This was a different person. A person who smiles a lot. Who cooks well. Who speaks more than counted words with others. This wasn't the Taehyung you knew but you find this version of him more approachable. Likable. 

"Oh you're so polite. You passed another test" the old woman smiled and gave Taehyung a thumbs up which he returned with a mouth full of smile. That's when you realized. 

His smile. It's beautiful. His lips curve into a rectangle and his whole mouth turns into a box when he smiles. His eyes crinkled. It was the most endearing thing you found about him after his mind blowing cooking skills.

You were looking at his mouth and lips when something your grandmother said broke your trance. "So Taehyung?" She asked, focusing back from the food to the boy. He nodded.

"How did you two meet?" Your grandmother's words made the first bite of the food you've swallowed turn all the back up to your mouth. Oh shit!!

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