Chapter 3

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Saturday came sooner than you expected. After dealing with Taehyung 2 days back, you told Rosie to stop her search operation for guys and told her everything that went down between Taehyung and you. She was supportive of your decision.

As decided, He moved into your house yesterday and to say he came prepared would be exaggerating the matter.

When he knocked on your door late yesterday evening, you didn't expect him to be carrying so much. You saw him hauling 2 big suitcases and almost 4 carry bags with him. It seems he's shifting to your house rather than staying for a week.

"What's this all about? So much luggage!" You asked as he settled every bag in your living room.

"It's not much. Just my office clothes and a few pairs of T-shirts" he answered as unbothered as he could be. They weren't just a few pairs.

He had 5 sets of suits, almost 10 t-shirts with 5 sweatpants. 3 pairs of formal shoes and 2 sports shoes. A small box that had his collectible ties and watches and finally a small bag of toiletries. It really wasn't much.

"That's like a luggage for a whole month" you told him, eyeing from the door, every piece of clothing he was arranging in the guest bedroom you prepared for him.

"You're only exaggerating" he shook his head, setting his suits in the cupboard. That was all the conversation you had with him before you left for dinner. He joined you soon after and then you both went to your rooms. 

"I have to be at the airport in an hour," you told Taehyung on the phone. He was at the office too but as always, he was on his floor. 

"Should I come with you?" He asked from the other side.

"No, it's fine. I'll manage. Just try to be home around 5. I'll be gone for the day" you said and then cut the call.

You didn't think it would come this easily to you to adjust to this new way of life even for a week. Calling Taehyung, having at least one meal with him or having him around the house at the end of the day still felt so new and uncomfortable to you for you've always lived either alone or with your grandmother.

Now he was everywhere. In the kitchen brewing morning coffee, in the living room working with one or two files or just around with his different scent. You had a flowery vibe in your house all along but ever since he entered, the house smelled a mix of flowery masculinity - if there is something like that.

You were waiting at the terminals for your grandmother when you saw a girl running towards a guy coming out with his bags, who looked like her boyfriend. She jumped in his arms, he circled his arms around her waist and planted a kiss over her hair top.

Jealousy wasn't your strongest suit. It never helped anyone achieve anything in their life but the constant reminder that it is in each and everyone of us is enough to bring anyone to their knees. To watch the couple being in each other's arms, whispering something inaudible to each other and kissing was making you feel uneasy in a way you didn't know how to describe. 

You've never wanted someone to hold you or kiss you or whisper things to you before. Not in your prime years but lately, you've been having the urge to feel all of it. Feel everything one could offer. And it's so very disturbing.

"You shouldn't ongle other couples when you have a six course meal waiting for you at home" you heard a voice saying from beside you. 

Turning around you came face to face with the pair of eyes and that small cute nose you grew up watching. She was as beautiful as you remember watching her the last time. A little weak and a few fine lines on her face but otherwise, she's so beautiful.

"Grandma" you hugged her and buried your nose on her neck, taking in the familiar scent of home. She was your everything. 

"Oh you big baby. I missed you so much" she patted your back lovingly, tightening her hold around your back. You let go of her figure, closely inspecting her.

"How are you? Was the flight okay? Did you have any problems while flying?" You asked, taking her hands in yours. She was tiny and because of her age and the fact that you're wearing heels, her 4"12 self looked tiny in front of you. You smooth out a wild strand of hair on her head.

"Everything was fine. I was okay. The services were good. Now will you play 20 questions with me here or will you take me home so I can straighten my back for a while. I'm a little exhausted" she said. You smiled and started strolling towards the exit and to your car. Your driver loaded her bags in the trunk and you made her sit comfortably on the back seat. A neck pillow around her shoulders and a hot pack for her hands.

"I'm not a kid, Bean" she said when she saw you inspecting the heating system of the car. You returned back to your seat and the car started. 

"Where's your boyfriend? He didn't come to pick me up" she asked while looking out of the window. Your breathing stopped for a second and then you started speaking.

"He's at the office. We both can't take the day off together. I have a business to run" you told her.

"He works at your company?" That sentence came out as a question. You felt her stance a little accusing but you knew that's what they do. They're always protective and somehow accusing.

"Yes. He's a senior marketing Advisor at the company" he wasn't. But a little brush up won't hurt anyone.

"Is that a good job?" She asked once again.

"Of course it is. It's my company. Every job is good there" you proudly said and for a moment none of you said anything but a little snort from the driver soon broke out into a fit of laughter. 

The drive back was smooth. It was as you expected but the real question was to introduce Taehyung to your grandmother. How she would react to him or how Taehyung would feel around her. Even though you tested him, you didn't trust your timing. 

Good thing you have the whole afternoon before Taehyung comes back  to be prepared for what's coming later in the evening.

"Welcome home" you heard a voice as soon as you entered the front door. Oh god! He's home.

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