Chapter 8

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Hospitals, in general, were your least favorite place. You had no happy memory associated with the place itself. You lost your mother in a hospital and you swore you would never step foot inside it ever again. The last time you were in one was after your grandmother collapsed getting a heart attack. Nothing good can ever come out of visiting a place stinking of medicines and all things grim.

But you didn't even blink once before sprinting out of your house and to your car. You didn't tell your grandma anything to save her from the shock and a part of you was glad. She doesn't need to stress over anything when you can handle stuff on your own.

You arrived at the hospital that Taehyung named after 15 minutes. It wasn't very far from your apartment so it was a short drive but it felt like the longest you've ever gone. With a million questions roaming around your head, you reached the hospital.

At the reception, you inquired about the patient you are to see here. Kim Jeobam. Taehyung's brother as he has told you.

You never knew he had a brother to start with. He was very secretive of his private life so it was obvious you wouldn't have guessed it. You reached the floor and saw Taehyung sitting by one of the benches outside the emergency rooms.

You ran a little fast to where he was and stopped right in front of him. You placed your hand on his shoulder "Tae"

Your voice pulled him out of whatever trance he was lost into and looked up to meet your eyes. His eyes were red and puffed. It clearly showed he had cried but right now wasn't the time for that.

"What happened?" You asked, taking a deep breath. On the phone, he didn't explain anything other than the hospital's name and that he's been here for the past 3 hours. That explained his early departure from the office in a rush. You shouldn't pry on his personal matters but all you want to do right now is understand him and somehow comfort him however you can.

"It's my brother. They said he collapsed and that it's critical" he said in one breath. Not looking up from his  hands that were fidgeting among themselves.

"They said we need to operate as fast as possible" his words started coming out jumbled and unclear. There was an urgency and a tremble in his words and you felt it deep in your heart.

You sat down beside him and took his hand in yours "Everything will be alright. Tae, you have to calm yourself down. Please" you rubbed his knuckles with your thumb. The gesture is enough for the trembles of his voice to come to life when the first lone tear fell down his eyes.

He quickly rubbed it off and cleared his throat "I'm so sorry I left without informing. I'll hand over a written apology to the HR tomorrow and is Grandma okay? I promised to take her out tonight! What.." his words were cut off when you pulled him in for a hug.

You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him to your chest. He was still in his position but didn't oppose your support. You took it as a good sign and stood up quickly to stand right in front of him. His head is now falling lower on your stomach.

"Shh.. everything will turn out fine. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere" you tried your best to comfort him. "Don't think about an apology letter. There's no need, hmm" you said in a low voice.

His arms that were on your sides, you felt them coming to hold your waist. With his face buried over your stomach and hands gripping your upper hips, you felt every emotion in your being change. How you didn't want to see this beautiful human being sad. How you are willing to go to lengths for this man wrapped around you.

You let him keep holding you for a while. Let him steady himself after whatever turmoils he had going inside his head. You let him be anchored by you and kept rubbing his head. Playing with his hair and gently massaging his scalp.

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