Chapter 2

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I entered the floral arch of the garden. 

Finally I'm going to be bound to my beautiful Courtney. I look to my right side and saw that vile thing. He was eating on a table alone. Which shouldn't come as a surprise as who would befriend the Omega. I continued to the stage and grabbed the microphone.

"Tonight there will be a change in our pack" everybody directed their attention to me except for the filth.

"but tonight I would also like to acknowledge the presence of our allied pack, the Evanorian Pack."


"-the Evanorian Pack" was the only time I looked up. The Evanorians were a pack of peaceful magically inclined wolves. Skilled yet peaceful, silent but violent.

"My Pack I present to you, your LUNA Courtney Childe"  everybody cheered and raised their glasses. Celebrating what supposedly is a new era for this God forsaken pack.

"You do not know how long I've been looking for you young one." As i turned to face that direction

"I thought you'd never come, young creed" 

"I would be punished for disobeying the elder" I look down once more, after all I am the lowest of the low.

"I want you to talk to the allies"

"Me Elder?"

"I want you to consider transferring, as they are a pack who values all ranks." 

I only remained silent.

"Look Simon, I do not like how my son is treating this pack's lower ranking members. I cannot assure your safety anymore. I promised your Mother and Father I would protect you after they stepped down the Alpha blood line when you were born. I know that you'll be their number one target, especially now that Courtney and Roman are on rule they both loathe you" 

Speechless, I only thanked him.

He smiled and left.

 Moving to that pack is going to change and bring discourse into my life. 

I sigh. The Evanorian Pack was named after the One of the Goddess' daughters. Evanora and Nymphadora. As our pack is called Tenebrae, representing the dark of the moon. As I decided to let myself see the Evanorians, I saw that they were dressed quite to posh for an event like this, I noticed a Boy about the same age as I am he was wearing a necklace with an Omega symbol. I approached him.

"Hello" I said. I really don't know how to socialize since I didn't have any friends, all I've got is Elder Archie.

"Lovely evening isn't it?" he said with a smile

"You're an Omega, Right?"

"Well this necklace says so right?" he replies with a smug look

"How do your other pack members treat you? If you don't mind me asking."

"you are abused my dear, I am quite well here if I may say" I only stared at him in disbelief

"I see you have Red Eyes, a bruised jaw and limpy arms. You are an Omega but you're maltreated"

"I-i'm Simon, Simon Creed"

"I'm Harris Gallagher"

"I was thinking of transferring to your pack" I say

"You better ask your alpha then , it's up to him Simon"

"I... "

"If you ever get transferred just tell me okay, you can stay at my room, I don't exactly have a room mate just yet." he smiles and shakes my hand as he excuse himself.

I walked towards the elder bowing as form of respect.

"Elder can I ask of you for a favor?"

"What is it Simon?" He asked. I can feel the Alpha's presence is near. It didn't help that the Elder's table was adjacent to the Alpha's

"C...can you ask Rom...The alpha l...let me transfer to the Evanorians?" I whispered shakily.

He nodded. He motioned me to leave the table.


I can't believe it I'm the Luna now. Pity for that little omega. But suppose I owe him all of this somehow. He's mateless because of me.

"Courtney, you're not touching your food." Roman says.

"Sorry, I was just thinking of something" I smiled and continued with dinner.

"Okay" Roman said.

"Excuse me I'm just going to the restroom" I stood up.

I want to talk to Simon.

I searched for him through the crowd. I found him he was talking to an Evanorian. I walked towards the two. Simon noticed me and immediately greeted me.

"Luna" he said bowing his head. I was Shocked at the sudden respect 

"Simon... I want to talk to you privately" he excuses himself from the Evanorian, to which bows his head to me.

"I want to apologize" I said holding his hand.

He remained silent.

" You'll find another mate... I'm sure you will. If I can do anything for you please do not hesistate, I owe this to you"

"R-really?" He asked

I only nodded in agreement.

"C..can you ask Alpha Roman to P...permit me transfer p...packs..." he asked shakingly

"I will do what I can" I said and placed my hand on his small shoulders. I thanked him once more and left.

I walked to Elder Archie.

"Simon has asked you favor?"

"Hmmm?" He was acting dumb.

"He wants to be tranfered."

"I want to help him"

" is that so? " I can tell the annoyance in his voice.

"I owe him all of this, and pay him back somehow. "

"You can start by giving his mate back temptress"

I was speechless.

"If you want to help convince Roman to let him transfer, I already asked him earlier."

"asked him earlier? are you trying to say that he want him to stay-"


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