Chapter 18

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The funny thing about life is that it's all a game. It only takes a series of events for an ignorant alpha to notice his neglected mate. And here we are!

"You don't have to leave Simon" I looked into his eyes. Something I've never done before. They were beautiful! Blue &  green in a spectrum of beauty. As tears fall from his eyes, I embraced him with all the love I didn't give him or even the love I never gave to Courtney. He's ours. He's mine.

"He's ours I whisper"

"what?" he asked.

"Simon, please come with me to the hospital, I want to show you something..." 

We stood up. He's eyes were red from all the crying. I grabbed his hand.

"I know, I've never been like this to you Simon..." I said.

He looked at me intently. He sniffled.

"It's all a bit weird." he smiles. Something he hasn't done since I took him back from Charon. We were walking back to the hospital. I held his hand all the way there.

"Roman, I don't know  if you remember. But when my parents died, you held my hand like this too while we were on the lake. It was my 18th and I knew you were my mate but I didn't tell you"

And it all went back to me. He was crying by the old tree stump by the lake. He's parents died from an enemy pack attack. I remember sharing to him how I felt when my mother died.

"Yeah, and the next month was when I rejected you..." My smile faltered. I stopped

"I'm sorry..."

"Roman, I forgive you. Ever since Charon took me I forgave you!" He said. 

When we arrived at the Hospital I showed him Courtney's letter. And apparently it had a message at the back too written in a language Simon understands.

"I'm going to read it out loud" Simon said. I nodded

"at this point, you two are together. I am happy you to finally got together. The pup is yours Simon. He's made from you and Roman. I'm sorry you had to be traumatized by my sudden exit and of course Courtney's Murder. But it is in this way that you two would be together..." He paused

"That's all for now, signed Charon/Courtney"

Simon approached the incubator. His eyes glistened as he looked at the little one. 


He's mine? I looked at the pup in there and I felt it, my heart ached at his site. He WAS MINE! I felt tears flowing down my eyes... he's a silver wolf. 

He reminded me of Alexandarren. My little pup...

"Isn't he beautiful?" Roman approached me.

"He's ours" I said.

"Yes, Ours" he replied. He held my hand again. He took it and kissed my hand. 

"He's an Alpha..." Roman said.

"Just like his father" I replied. Suddenly the little pup opened his eyes.

"I guess it's time to name him?" I said.

"I want to name him Eros" Roman said.

"Eros. My little Eros..." The pup stood up wagging his tail.

"hey there Eros!" I said. It purred a bit and yipped!

"I guess he's already on the Ninth month and he's already strong!" He paused

"I'll call the doctor to let her know." he continued and left the room. Eros yipped to the direction of the door. He's calling his father. I sat down and watched him play with his tail in the incubator.

I have to say this was all so much to take. Charon, Courtney, Eros... they all are too much for me but I'm taking them well. Somehow I am in a dream that came true.

But I didn't tell Roman the last part of the letter.

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