Chapter 10

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Simon Creed

Food, Booze and Music... We were having a small get-together the pack members & the rogues having a great time.

Somehow it's all going well... It feels surreal,like it's all a dream. I mean-

"So.... What's the plan now?" My train of thoughts was interrupted by Courtney.

"Hmmm... Go with the flow?" I answered unsure.

'TELL HIM!!!' Someone yelled.

It was coming from the bonfire. Courtney and I looked at eachother

"It sounded like Roman!" Courtney said.

Roman was pinning Charon on the ground. "Not-To-day" Charon said pushing Roman off of him. Suddenly Darren Lunged at him and started hitting him.

"Darren What are you doing to your dad, stop that" I ran towards the two. But I was lunged at by a warrior wolf. His eyes went wide as he got off of me and there stood silver holding a bloody sword.

"What the hell?!" I barely stood up with all my strength. The hit I took dislocated my left knee. I ran away from them. Everything was getting blurry.

'Jai Guru Deva Om' a trance like voice was going on my head.

My head was pounding. I tripped on a rock and fell on my face.

'Of all the times to be clutz.'

I used a near by tree to help me stand up. I tried to shift but I couldn't. I couldn't speak to my wolf ... Nothing is functioning...

I felt a hard object hit the back of my head and Everything went. Black.


I woke up at the tenebrae pack's estate.

I was surrounded by everybody. The warrior was there, with... No stab wound?

"W-why were you guys fighting?" I asked Roman and Charon. They looked at eachother and laughed.

"We weren't fighting" Charon answered while laughing.

"Dad, where'd you get that Idea?" Darren asks


"Maybe you were having nightmares?" Courtney asked.

"I- maybe...yeah it was a nightmare... My knee's not dislocated"

"Come on Dad-o we need to start this party." So the party hasn't even started. But, what a dream... It felt so real....everything looked real.


The following days, I kept having nightmares... With all the same plot everyone was trying to say something to me.

I looked at the wall clock...

3:46 am... I sighed. I'm not getting any sleep since those nightmares.

"" I muttered to myself. I started making coffee.
Liquid-mini-naps as I liked to call them.

"Well hello there!"

"Courtney! What the Fuck?"

"Don't believe any-"

She was cut-off by a swishing sound of a blade. With a blink of an eye....her...head....fell off...

"HELP!!!!" I screamed hard that it strained my voice.

Suddenly I woke up, all sweaty. Courtney was there sitting beside me. I was in their house on the sofa.
I wiped the beads of sweat I had on my forehead. Thank God it was all a dream.

"Guys the Councillor is here"

Guards formed two lines creating a path way in the middle for the councillor to walk on.

"Good evening."

"Good evening Councillor" we bowed our heads in respect.

"Hold them."

The guards grabbed Charon, Courtney, Roman and the kids.

I bright light flashed.

"I am The Goddess of Destiny"

"Don't listen to her it's a lie!" Charon Screamed. His mouth was covered by the guard.

"Simon listen well..." I couldn't move I was paralyzed there.

"The past 10 years of life was all an Illusion."

"What?" I asked.

"RUN!" She screamed.

And I ran into the woods Giving all my energy into my legs. Once Again I couldn't shift.

"FUCK THIS BETTER BE A DREAM" I ran hard. My legs are starting to give out so I slowed down. I look back and everyone was chasing me.

I ran again. I was approaching the freeway. I felt a sharp object hit my ankle and I lost my balance.

Darren suddenly lunged at me. He hugged me. And whispered in my ear.

"I'm gonna miss you dad"

"What are you-"

"Don't forget me dad, promise me don't forget me."


"Stop Him!!!" Someone was screaming from afar.

He held my face and looked me in the eye. I started hearing the trance like voice

"WAKE UP!!!!" He screamed.

A bright light flashed and I blacked out again.

Here was what I thought of doing

But I decided not too, so new chapter any thoughts?

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But I decided not too, so new chapter any thoughts?



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