Chapter 4

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"Well,well...if it isn't the luna ... greetings my dear"

"E-elder, I cannot convince Roman"

I scoffed at what she said.

"Dear, If you knew my son well enough you'd know that he isn't convinced by anything that easily. He gets it from his mom"

"My dear Courtney, you don't have to convince Roman anymore..."

"I-i don't?"

"Yes, because something is telling me that the moon goddess has something else planned for the last living Creede."

"I will Elder. But I have befriended Simon"

"There's noting wrong with that Courtney"

"Can I go now?"


The truth is... I've heard their conversation last night, Simon and Roman's. That question that he asked has really captured my attention.

why on earth does roman want to find out if Simon Creede hates him?


I stood by pondering to myself in great awe of the magnificent lake... Great now I sound like my dad...always speaking like he's from the British parliament.

Across the lake I think I saw what looks like two male mates... what if I-I didn't reject Simon....

"Having second thoughts Alpha?"


"So? having second thoughts?"


" you've already made your choice Roman"

"He's free to love whoever he wants Roman... and you with Courtney"

"That's the problem I Love Courtney!"

"You're just too blind"

"what do you know you don't have a mate"

"actually I do now, but sadly he's still attached to his old mate..."

"y-you're not talking about him are you"









"Mr.Creede you requested to go to" Mr.McAdams or Elder Gene said. Must be Elder Archie. Elder Archie was the Principal of my school.

I walked past Dean...and he was

I entered the office.

"Hello Simon"

I smiled at elder archie.

"Please sit down..... I wanted to talk to you about something"

I sat.

"Tell me did you wear that necklace the time rejected?"

"Y-yes" why am I getting nervous

"Do you, somehow still....feel...a bond between you and...Roman"

"I-i actually don't anymore"

He looked like he's figured something out.

"Have you heard about the Fang of Benjamin the Bloody"

"The....Fang of Seperation?"


"Did you know that, that necklace you are wearing holds a fragment of that Fang"

That means.....


Harris Gallagher (from the evanorian pack)


"Yes Alpha Briggs"

"Have you seen Diantha?"

"No briggs... I haven't"

" You know this Pack Camp of Tenebrae, certainly has a beautiful view"

"What are you trying to imply Briggs?"

"I don't know.... Two Mates standing infront of a romantic view... We both want pups and you're definitely Horny"

"Shut up Briggs"

"Look at those two they look like they're about to fight"

"Anyways...12 pups for me and my beautiful Mate?"

"I don-" before I knew it he was already back to our cabin

Damn You briggs!!!!



I had to split this chapter because well it can't always be Climatic.... So hope ya'll enjoyed this "filler"

- H2H

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