Chapter 11

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He lied on a bed adorned with flowers. As his body shook violently he shot up. He looked at me questioningly.

"Charon?" I smiled at him.

"I- what's happening" I guess I need to give him back. He was never mine from the beginning. .

"I'm giving you back. To him."

"What? Charon please don't do this. I know You created that 10 year illusion but you gave me refuge. You loved me. You gave me what he couldn't give. You gave me a home heck in that illusion you gave me darren. It might be an illusion bu{t I felt all the love you were giving me. Charon?"
"I- I know it may sound selfish but the council vowed to spread genocide on all rogues...I can't let that happen. Even if I loose you atleast I would be alive to see you."

He walks towards me and embraced me tightly.

"I don't want to go back to him. I want to go to the person that has kept me safe. Please Charon. There must be another way."

"If we could break the bond with Roman and you then there would be no reason for the council to punish us."

"But the only way that could happen is if he marks courtney fully."

"But for now I have to give you to him. We just need to induce Roman to mark Courtney."

"We'll think of something...." He replied.

"Until then, here.... The Mirror of Isis. This is our means of communication. Just call my name."

"Thank you" our lips met.


"Charon,is he awake" we pulled appart.

"Elder Archie." Simon bowed in respect. I only nodded.

"He's free to go Archimedes...I-i apologize again..."

"It's okay... You've healed him from what my pack has and I can't thank you enough"

"I hope I don't have to take another abused member of your pack Archimedes..."

"Rest assured Charon, I'll make sure Roman doesn't act up."

I only nodded. Goodbye my love. I will take you back....

I lead them to the boundaries. I bid farewell and gave Simon an assuring smile.

He waved goodbye. May the be in our favor.


"I don't understand why you just can't let him go Roman.... He wanted to leave and you rejected him"

"You don't understand Courtney. It's like pieces of me are with both of you. Simon has my Anger. That piece of my emotional spectrum was given to him unintentionally."

"Then take it back. "

"I can't..." I looked down in defeat.

"You love him don't you..."


"Roman You love him. I can't belive this you Rejected him already you can't have him back and by all means he could be mated to Charon now."

"SHUT UP!!!!"

"Roman that is enough..." Dad said.
There he stood in all his beauty. Simon Creede.


"Don't talk to me" he said angrily. I sensed his scent. He was doused with Charon scent.

"Can I go to my room?" He asked.

"O-okay." His confidence intimidates me. Like he has an Alpha voice.

Courtney and I looked at each other. She felt it too. Simon headed down to the basement. He's still an Omega. But I have a feeling that it will all change.

- - -

"Charon Saint " I muttered. The mirror glowed.

"Hey..." He greeted.

"I can't stand them. Though I appreciate them refurbishing my basement."

"That's a start"

"Courtney's pregnant"


"I bet."

"Somehow he impregnated her and didn't mark her."

"I guess... But she reeks of him. It's making me Sick. The whole pack house reeks of them..."

"Bear with it..."

"I miss Darren."

"I do to."

"He told me to never forget him when he released me."

"I didn't do that..."

"Maybe it was our future son?"

"Yeah..." Charon answered sadly. He was looking me in the eye. With so much sadness and longing. It's just been 6 hours and I can't bare it anymore.

We were interrupted with a knock I put the mirror down and opened my door.

"Alpha" I bowed my head.

"Simon... It's time for dinner."

"I'm not hungry."

"Come on join us Simon... My father requests your presence." I sighed. I owe everything to Archie, he was the only friend I had here.

I just nodded and followed in suit. I entered the dining hall. Some were glaring others, had a look of curiosity and some just didn't care. Nothing new I guess.

I sat down at the very end of the table. My usual spot back then.

"Everyone grab a glass, here's to a new year" Roman said loudly.

I grabbed mine.

"Here's to a new year of hate."


I giving him back. It's not that I don't want him anymore. But I can't interfere with The Goddess.

"Are you sure?" Dorkas my Brother asked.

"Yes, I'm moving the cavalry Back to Europe with you brother." He ran the european rogues and we used to be one big group of rejected ones. But we split and now it's time to go back.

"It's better this way, that I can never see him again and him never seeing me again..." I took my mirror and Broke it. Goodbye Simon. I hope Roman Loves you, the way I loved you.

I Charon Saint, leave the fate of my love to you Goddess and may all the rejected be blessed....

Farewell Charon.... What do you guys think I know kinda late but right now I'm at Singapore and far way from my country of the Philippines.... So tell me what you think and What do you think should Dorkas have a significance in this story or just be The side show brother?

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