Chapter 15

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"happiness comes in many forms"

I kept repeating those words in my mind, I've heard it before.

"Omega" one of the elders said. I bowed my head. Gosh I feel like I'm on trial. Wait, I am. What the Hell?

"What do you know about, the murder of the Luna?"

"Nothing sir."

"Elaborate" one said.

"I've only just found out last night."

"Really... Where were you at around 9:00 pm last night?"

"My room..." I answered I mean, yesterday was such a blur. I was tired from all the chores

"I see... How did you find out?" A kind looking elder asked.

"My alpha went to my Room..."

"Why would the alpha go to your room?"

I was about to speak when Roman cut me off.

"I went there because he's a friend..." He said. Friend? fuck you! Cunt! I don't honor you as my friend.

As much as I want to protest I'd rather agree to what he said. Than  be courtney's next door neighbor at the cemetery. May the Goddess rest her soul.

"Now, can you explain to us what exactly is your relationship with the Alpha?" The angry, always questioning Elder asked. Honestly he's annoying me.

"He was my ex-mate and my alpha..." I said. That's all it is right? No more... No less...

"You do know that, that could be a motive for murder?"

"Hold on a second! I did not kill anyone! Moreover why would I kill a pregnant Mother! And her children!"

"May the goddess open your eyes!" I said and left the Centennial Hall.

"This trial is put on hold!" I heard an Elder speak.

As I was on the main entrance of the hall, I caught a glimpse... A glimpse of a ghost that haunts my past.

I turned to face the figure. There he stood clad in a black robe.

It soon started moving away. Quickly I ran after him. He moved quickly. I ran towards and As I was gaining on him. He shifted. Silver streaked...

"CHARON!" I yelled but the wolf kept running.

I shifted  and ran after him.

"Damn it I lost him..." I stopped to look at where I am.

"I know this place..."

A tower? a bunker?

The rogue lands...

"Abandoned" I spoke.

I walked towards the tower. It still looked the same. I touched one of the pillars and then I felt something different. Like once again someone was watching me.

"Who's there?" I yelled.

Nothing. I turned around and saw nothing but trees and grass.

Suddenly a great howl was heard. A happy howl...

"It's Roman" my wolf spoke.

And then I saw a shiny object an a tree stump

There was bottle that has a piece of paper inside of it. It was sealed with  what looks like a magical seal. The bottle was engraved too it read:

"Beatitudo est in plures formas

Another howl was heard. And this one calling my name. I answered.
I took the bottle. And I looked at it's underside and saw it there six letters.

' Charon '

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