Chapter 7

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"Dad I'm home!!!!" Silver yelled as he entered.

"So... Anything spectacular happened?"

"I met this boy... I-i think I like him..."

"So you're saying you're Gay?"




He was just staring at me.

"Is he a wolf?"


"Although he smells odd" he added

"What do you mean by odd?"

"I don't know..."

"But answer my question Silver"

"I-i Yes"

"Well that's perfectly fine..."

"You-you're not gonna kick me out?"

"No! Of course not... Unless you want me to"

"No dad!"

"Who's this boy I've been hearing about?" Courtney comes out from the kitchen.

"Define him for me please babe..." She continues

"Well, he's a bit shorter than me... British accent, silver hair, his eyes one blue one green... He's...he's just beautiful..."

"I see... What's his name?"


"I want to meet this boy...."

"They live close by I think...."


Third person:

The next day since it was the begining of junior year for the kids... They had a parent's orientation. Darren was home schooled before so he's going to need a special program. Both Simon and Charon were going... They were extra careful since they were Rogues... The Luna and Leader of the Rogues to be precise... Although they made sure that it was a human school... They can never be sure...

Barimore High School


The principal of the school is a wolf...

"I didn't know that she was a wolf!" Simon whispered-yelled to me..

"We are beyond fucked right now..."

"So much for laying low"

" wait we still have time to bail come-"

"Mrs. Victors is ready to see you now"

"VICTORS!!!" The two of us said in unison through mind link.

"Okay we are way passed fucked were dead!"

"Wait we can still call for back up"

"Too risky Charon...."

"Can we bail?"

"We're 6 feet away from the door..."

Darren was just staring at us weirdly because we were so tense...

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