Chapter 9

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Third Person POV

"I really want to apologize for all this attacking shenanigans" Roman apologized

"As long as it doesn't happen again," Charon Replied.

The whole dinner was extremely awkward but at Darren's room it was more awkward...

"So umm... You're a rogue..."

"And?" Darren asks

"I-i y-you fight great" he said awkardly.

"thanks" he replied. Trying to get into Silver's mind. It was extremely different he couldn't read Silver's mind. He feels that he is inside but he can't hear or know anything as if he was inside a void.

"So umm... You had a crush on me"

"used to..."

"I... What's the point you're probably reading my mind" He turned around

"Well that's the problem...I CAN'T!!!!"

"What you ran out of telepathy or something?" he tries to joke

"You think it's easy hearing the thoughts of everybody around you? I can hear fucking voices from people even miles away? I can hear things that aren't supposed to be heard!" He fell on his knees crying. Darren cried hard. And all Silver could do was, stare.

"I-i ' m sorry"

"Don't be..." Darren stood up and turned around.

"I wish I never knew you were the son of the Alpha of the Tenebrae pack"

He walked out of his own room.

' Guilt ' silver thought.


I was at the central watch tower again, laying underneath a canopy of stars.

' Guilt ' I heard somebody say, I didn't know where it came from or how I heard it...

"Moon Goddess, why did I have to get telepathy as a gift why couldn't it be invisibility or Telekinesis"

Suddenly I sensed someone coming.

"I thought I'll find you here."

"Roman!" I said alarmed.

"You know you have everything Simon had back then minus the abusive pack and dead parents"

"He told me he had a mate once, in his old pack"

"Well, you're looking at that idiot."


Sigh " you know what kid just read my mind, it's much easier that way"

And I did, I saw everything... The way they treated Dad, the rejection, and the time he went missing ..

"You see Darren I regret, rejecting your Dad, but I hope we can put that to the past... I see something in the two of you, You and Silver..."

"Don't say it" I said.

"We're joining the two packs to form one big one, "


"Can you promise me one thing Darren? That's the only thing I'm gonna ask from you, in return I,"

"I promise to never reject my mate..."I said

"Okay please promise that whatever happens please don't hurt my Dad again..." I demanded politely.

" I promise"

Suddenly I felt something, my hair went back to it's original color...

Then I blacked out...


as Darren Blacked out,  Simon and Charon ran up to the central tower...

"It's happening again" Simon said.

"What's happening?" Roman asked concerned. At that point Silver was also at the Central tower. 

"Silver, can you help me carry him to the infirmary?" Charon asked.

and he obliged. As they leave with Darren, Simon explained what happened to Darren

"Darren has this condition, if he is stressed his hair turns to white, people say that this condition was a myth but..." he left it at that

"Marie Antoinette Syndrome" Roman said sadly.( a/n ))

"You know your son and mine may be mates" Roman continued.

Simon chuckled. "Let's hope history doesn't repeat itself"

"yeah. but I won't let my son make my mistakes... I won't let him miss the best thing that could happen to him"

"are you implying?"


"You are disgusting! Roman the alpha a hopeless romantic..."

"Whatever, but atleast I'm happy now and so are you"

"Thank you"

"for what?'

"for rejecting, if you didn't do that I might never had Darren... it would have been different"



Sorry about the filler I was writing this and i thought it's too early to introduce a new character wink*wink*nudge*nudge* and I added this chapter and also revealed Darren's condition... Okay I'm not sure about the Marie Antoinette syndrome so I just kinda bent it a little add a bit of seasoning to it :)

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