Chapter 12

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Once again I'm all alone... who's Idea was this? Why did they even take me back if I have no purpose here.... I don't even do the normal omega routines anymore. Its been a month and the Mirror of Isis isn't showing me Charon anymore. It's like he disappeared off of the face of the earth.

This is pointless. I think I'm gonna walk around.

'hey wolf wanna run?'

'why not Simon?' he replied.

I went up and headed for the back door.

"Where are you going?" Jason one of the betas asked.

"Where are you going?" Dom another asked.

"Geez! I'm going to take a walk around town... I'm not a fucking terrorist!"

"Oh..." Jason said. I opened the door and just took a whiff of fresh air. I completely lost track of time. I was cooped up in the basement for almost a month. I didn't even know it was already fall.

I saw Courtney in the garden, she was holding her tummy by the willow tree. I continued to town. Somehow it brings back some memories... bad ones.

'come on Si, think positive!' my wolf said.

I was now in front of Kelly's Record Store...

"Hey! You! Omega!" I turned around and there stood an alpha.

"I don't if you remember but, I'm the alpha of the evanorian pack..."

I instantly bowed my head.

"Umm... My mate Harris-"

"BRIGGS!" We were interrupted by a very pregnant Harris.

Whats is it with pregnant people around me.

"Simon is that you?"

I only nodded. I haven't seen them in Months.

"We found out what happened..."Briggs said.

"I'm so sorry Simon, I should've taken you with us back to Our Pack."

"Speaking of which..." Briggs said.

"I'm sorry but I'm staying Alpha Briggs" I am. I owe every thing to Archie.

"I know you have your reasons Simon... but, just think about it okay?" Harris said.

"Okay" they excused themselves and said they have to get back to their pack because they were only here visiting our pack.

"Simon..."I look to my right and saw Roman.

"Alpha" I greet.

"You can leave you know" he said sadly.

"I know, but I owe too much to Elder Archie... to even leave this pack would be like Betraying myself..."

He placed a hand on my shoulder but I moved away.

"I have to go Alpha" I bowed and entered Kelly's.


"Just think about it okay?" I hear Harris said. He's 6 months pregnant, and according to him he's carrying twelve.

After talking to Simon... I know he wants to leave but he feels obligated because of what he owes my father.

I can't help but... I know I'm in love with him. But I can't do that anymore... Courtney and My Future pups are on the line.

Now it's my turn to at least give something to Simon... And it involves my father.

Suddenly something flashed before my eyes.

' It was me Smiling holding pups'

But everything went black.

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