Chapter 17- Courtney's Revelation

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I crumpled the piece of paper in my hand...

How did that happen?

Courtney and Charon are the same...Person?

I can't believe this... This is crazy. I felt tears falling from my eyes. I picked up the letter.

"You did not impregnate me... That pup is yours and simon..."

I can't... All this time.

How did Charon even do it... He acted surrogate for me and...Simon.

My pup was wailing... I came near and he relaxed. "Hang in there little one... I'll keep you safe." But I sensed something different. Someone is going to break a pack bond. I closed my eyes and focused on the source.

"SIMON" I screamed.

"Guardians seal the boundaries..." I mind linked.

I ran outside heading back to the pack house and there he was sneaking out of the back door.

"OMEGA!"I screamed.

And he ran . I shifted and ran after him. Boy was he fast. Suddenly out of no where my wolf spoke... "Get him Roman he's ours" and I've never felt so happy in my entire life. He ran faster, he wanted to leave. I can't let him do that...

I lunged at him and we rolled around until I pinned him down

"SIMON CREEDE" I looked down at him. He was crying..

"Please let me go roman..." He said.

And then and there I kissed him. It felt different. It felt special, loving, passionate. I can't express it. I pulled away and embraced him

"You don't have to leave... " I said

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