Chapter Five. Into the woods.

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After my moment of shock, I walked forward into the woods. Laying on the ground was a white bloodstained piece of cloth. Based on the type of fabric, it looked like it had been ripped off a piece of clothing. It showed that the killer had obviously come this way. I picked it up and showed it to Mila. "oh god...oh my god..." Mila said, completely horrified. I guess it had just dawned on her that we were actually looking for a serial killer. I put my hand on her shoulder. "You don't have to do this Mila, I can go alone." "...No. I won't let you go out there alone. I'm going with you." She said. I looked back to the woods once more "Well, let's go then" I said

I began to walk towards the woods, Mila following close after me. As we walked deeper into the woods I scanned the forest floor for any signs that someone may have passed. Finally, I noticed one broken twig. "They are good at covering their tracks, we will have to stay alert to make sure we are going the right way." I said seriously. We began to run into the woods, trying to catch up to the killer. Mila's fear had seemed to stop her from being her normal quick-witted self, so the silence was deafening. The sound of the wind rushed around us, as I strained to hear any noises coming from further into the woods. After about thirty minutes of running, Mila spoke. "What if we get lost?" "We won't, we should be getting closer to them," I said

Soon after I spoke, Mila tripped on something and fell. I turned around to help her, then she started to scream. I quickly went to cover her mouth so she didn't alert the killer if they were in earshot. "Mila, are you ok? Did you hurt your leg?" I said. I then noticed she was staring at something. I looked over to see what she saw. Laying before us was the corpse of a man with hiking equipment. I quickly had to cover my mouth to stop myself from screaming. It looked like we had been going the right way after all. Mila and I sat there for at least five minutes just staring at the body, being too afraid to move. I began to slowly move towards the body.

As I moved towards the corpse, I slowly began to be able to see his face. Once I saw it, I almost fainted in fear. It was exactly what I thought I would see, and something I had seen a million times before in the news. Seeing it in person though, was a whole nother experience. On the man's face was a large cut smile, Slit ear to ear. The killer's trademark. "Y/n...I...I don't want to die..." Mila said, "...Everything will be ok Mila." I said, half lying. "Let's keep going, we can't call the police without cell service anyways," I said. I got out my phone flashlight and helped Mila up. "Come on, we will be safe I promise." I said, "Well...ok fine." said Mila

We walked deeper into the woods. I couldn't hear anything besides Mila and my footsteps crushing leaves. After another ten minutes of walking, Mila stopped. I turned back to look at her. I went to speak but she grabbed my mouth. For a moment we stood in silence. Then I realized what she was trying to tell me. In the distance, we could hear something moving. I turned to the noise and saw nothing, it was too hard to see through the trees in the dark. I walked forward and Mila hesitantly followed me. Soon we came to an opening in the woods.

I looked up to see the stars, as the trees were no longer hiding them. As I walked further into the opening looking around. I stood for a moment enjoying the night sky. I noticed I was no longer hearing footsteps behind me. "Mila?" I said as I looked behind me. She was standing at the edge of the opening, once more with a horrified expression on her face. "Mila? Are you ok? Listen I promise we will call the police about the body once we find cell service..." I looked at her, confused. Mila just continued to stare at me in horror. Then I noticed....

She wasn't staring at me.

She was staring through me.

She was staring...

...Behind me.

The Theory. (A Jeff The Killer Story) (JeffxReader)Where stories live. Discover now