Chapter Twenty-One. Perfect.

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I sat there in my bed, in shock at what had just happened. I held the gift he gave me in my hands, unsure of what to do. I put it on my nightstand and looked for my phone. I saw it sitting on the windowsill. He must of put it there when he left. I lay down in my bed. What am I supposed to do here? I might as well just go to sleep. I grab a pillow and hug it, comforting myself, and begin to fall asleep.

I woke up in a sun-filled room. My window was still open, so I could feel the morning breeze. I sat up and got out of bed. I grabbed my phone, and my gift, and walked out of my room to the main area of my apartment. Immediately I saw Mila and Nick. Mila ran over to me and hugged me. Nick was happy to see I was awake.

"Are you ok? Are you hurt?" Mila asked.

"I'm fine, I just need like 30 cups of coffee," I said.
"Now that's something I can do!" Mila said. She walked over to the kitchen and started making me some coffee. I sat down on the couch and nick sat next to me

" did it go? Did he show up?" Nick said.

"Yeah, he showed up alright." I placed my gift down on the table in front of the couch. Nick looked surprised.

"Seriously? Is that from him?" he asked.

"Yeah. He said I will need it. I haven't opened it yet." I said.

"Well, alright, what else did he say?" He asked.

"Well...he went on this whole thing about fixing me and that he was helping me understand and become like him," I said. Nick thought about what I said for a moment.

"He also said at the end that I had to stop trying to understand something that didn't make sense," I said.

Mila came over and gave me a cup of coffee. Nick looks totally absorbed in thought. I placed down my coffee after taking a sip and picked up my present. I started unwrapping it. From the wrapping paper, I pulled out a knife. A knife, he gave me a knife? For what? I looked at it closer, it was one of those knives that go back into the handle, like a pocket knife but bigger. Something about the knife felt familiar to me. It had a red wood handle, and the blade was clean. I slipped it into my pocket,

"Y'know, right before he left he said 'visiting hours for from nine to three'," I said. Nick looked over at me.

"That's probably him telling you that's when he will visit you if no one is around," Nick said.

"Huh. He didn't have to be so cryptic about it." I said

"Also, he stole your gun," I said. Nick looked over at me.

"What? How?" He asked

"I don't know, he used his super weird inhuman killer powers or whatever." I said.

"Fuck. I going to have to go pick up a new one from the police station. Is it ok if I got get it right now?" He said.

"Yeah, of course, I'm fine here," I said. With that he left, I let him take my car. Now it was just me and Mila.

"Y/n. I don't know how you stand that guy." Mila said.

"He's nice when you get to know him, he just acts like a jerk sometimes," I said

"He's always getting on my nerves. I wish he would go away." Mila said.

"Did... something happen between you two?" I asked

"...Nothing important. Anyways. Do you want to get takeout for lunch? You woke up late again." Mila asked

"Sure, I will take the car out once nick gets back," I said

"Perfect." Mila smiled.

I had a weird feeling in my stomach. As if something bad was about to happen.

Eh, I'm just paranoid!

The Theory. (A Jeff The Killer Story) (JeffxReader)Where stories live. Discover now