Chapter Twenty-Two. Punish her.

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Nick walked in the door, back from the police station with his new gun.

"I had to do a lot of talking to get this you know." He said.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm going to go get take out for lunch alright? I will be back." I said.

"Alright, but before you go..." Nick hugged me gently for a moment and then pulled away leaving his arms resting around my waist.

"...What was that for?" I asked

"For doing what you did. It was super brave. I'm proud of you, alright?" He said. My heart felt warm when he said that. I smiled and looked up into his eyes. We stood like that for a moment, before I realized how romantic this position looked. I got embarrassed and pulled away. Nick laughed at me a little and handed me my keys.

"Drive safe." He said.

I smiled back at him as I left my apartment and went to my car. I got inside my car and drove to the nearest fast food place I liked. I picked up the food and drove back home. The whole thing had taken about forty minutes. After I pulled into the parking lot. I got that bad feeling again. A horrible feeling really. I could feel my heart beating faster. I had no idea what was wrong, but something was up.

I got out of my car and walked into the apartment and then into the elevator. Once it reached my floor I stepped out. I had gotten food from Mila's favorite place, so she was bound to be happy with me. I walked down the hallway and reached my door. I unlocked it and stepped into my apartment, I closed the door behind me.

When I looked into my apartment I saw Mila. She was crying and had a horrified expression on her face. I dropped the bag of food to the ground and stepped forwards.

"Mila? What happened?" I asked. I noticed she was holding something. I looked at her hand to see she was holding

A gun?

Not just a gun, Nick's gun.

Why was Mila holding his gun?

I stepped closer to her. She dropped the gun on the ground.

I looked at the ground where she dropped the gun.

She had dropped it behind the table in front of the couch.

I stepped closer, so I could see behind the table.

"Y..Y/n...I...didn't..." Mila tried to speak.

Collapsed on the ground, right behind the table, lay a lifeless body.

I couldn't bring my mind to process it.

My body felt like ice.

I couldn't think.

I didn't want to think.

I didn't want reality.

"Y/ was Nick...he..." Mila began to speak

Then, what I was seeing hit me. Mila had shot Nick. Multiple times. He wasn't alive. No this doesn't make sense. I don't understand. How did this happen? Why did this happen? I looked at Mila, I don't know what I was feeling. I wasn't angry, sad, or grieving. No. None of this felt real. There was no reason this could have happened. This doesn't make sense. I don't get it.

Mila grabbed my wrist to try and get me to respond.

I pushed her away, took out my knife, and held it in front of me. She killed him. I don't want her to touch me.

"Y/n...I had to. He was going to take you away. I was saving you." Mila said.

What? What the fuck? What did she mean? What kind of logic is that? What was she saying?

Make her hurt.

Punish her.

I rushed towards her and swung the knife into the side of her neck, when I pulled it out she collapsed. I got on top of her and slammed my knife down into her chest repetitively.

She ruined everything.

Now you cant be happy.

Make her pay.

I began to stab her face. I wanted her to go away. I wanted to destroy her.

Once I had finished, I stood up and looked over her. She was bloody and unrecognizable. I walked over to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I was soaked in blood.

Oh my god.

I killed her.

She was dead.

Both of them were dead.

I looked at the clock.

It had been an hour?

How had the time gone by that fast?

I looked at myself in the mirror.

I didn't feel like myself.

I threw myself to the floor and started sobbing.

Memories raced through my head.

Mila, my closest friend, I had killed her.

Nick, the only guy who had ever really cared for me, was gone too.

I felt myself getting nauseous.

I rushed over to the toilet and threw up.

I lay down on the floor again and cried harder.

I cried until I started to choke on my own breath.

I cried until I passed out of exhaustion.

The Theory. (A Jeff The Killer Story) (JeffxReader)Where stories live. Discover now