Chapter Thirteen. Visitor.

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"Three months?" I said

"Yes, I believe you've been missing for three months." the nurse replied

My head started to spin. How had I been gone for three months? How was that possible? Why would he keep me for that long? I thought it had been two or three weeks at most, how had I lost so much time? I thought of how long I had been in that room, and how I had no way of telling time. Why would he have kept me for three months without killing me? I was taking up his food and time, he should have gotten what he wanted from me and killed me.

A doctor walked into the room and excused the nurse. The doctor told me I had been on iv fluids and had been being fed through a tube system. I had been experiencing seizures, an uncommon side effect of not eating or drinking for long periods of time. I had been prescribed Carbamazepine, a medication that would stop me from having seizures, for a month so I can regain a healthy eating schedule. The police would be here to question me in about an hour. He told me I had received several stitches.

"Stitches? For what?" I said

"For your ....facial injury." He replied

After a moment, I remembered. I put my hand up to my face to feel the scars. I began to cry. I wasn't scared or in pain, I just needed to cry. I asked the doctor for a moment alone, and he left the room. What was I supposed to do now? Just tell the police who jeff was, tell them what I saw? It's not going to get them anywhere. He's probably long gone by now. I'm just another witness. I have no proof. Was Jeff going to come back for me? Were they just going to put me back in the world to get killed by him?

I needed to get my mind away from this, I needed to feel ok right now. Suddenly I heard a knock on the door. It was the nurse.

"You have a visitor." She said. I became uneasy.

"Alright.." I said. The nurse went to the side and my visitor walked in past her. Standing there in all her glory, was Mila.

"MILA!" I said as I almost jumped out of my bed. She rushed in and hugged me, I hugged her back. We held each other for a moment and then released.

"I'm so happy you're ok...I was so worried about you." Mila said as she started to tear up.

"I'm so happy you're ok too! I was afraid I would never see you again..." I said. I took a moment to look at Mila, and she took a moment to look at me. I noticed that under the bandages on her head, all her hair was shaved off.

"Mila, your long hair is gone. Now you look even gayer!" I said laughing

"Hey, shut up!" she said as she laughed with me. After a moment of both of us just at each other laughing, we started to talk again.

"Did they shave it to treat your injury?" I asked

"They shaved it for brain surgery, or as I like to call it, the surgery from the hospital I will be in debt to for the rest of my life," she said

"How cheerful," I said

"Ah...also..." Mila said, looking at my face. "What your..." she struggled with what words to say.

"I don't think I'm supposed to tell you until I talked to the police. But yeah, I'm kind of stuck with a permanent smile now. Your gonna be buying me masks for Christmas." I said, trying to lighten the topic as much as I could

"Aye, don't worry, we can get, like, fun masks! Like those ones with the cute little smiles on them!" She said

"Thanks, Mila," I said

She sat down on the bed next to me and we talked. She had gotten my rent pushed back for me and taken care of my car. We talked about all the things that had happened when I was gone. Mila had read a lot of my research material, to try and help the police in some way. Although she didn't succeed, she now knew more about the killer. Suddenly Mila picked up the remote and turned on the TV to the news channel.

"Look, I forgot to show you, you're on TV!" Mila said. The news was talking about how I had been found, and relating me to the killer.

"Ah, great. Now I won't even be able to walk outside without someone staring at me." I said

"Well, your gonna be wearing masks so, maybe people won't recognize you," Mila said

Then, three police officers walked into the room.

The Theory. (A Jeff The Killer Story) (JeffxReader)Where stories live. Discover now