Chapter Six. Sapphire eyes.

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I immediately turned around. Facing me in the woods, was the figure of a man. The darkness surrounding him would have made him unnoticeable, but, the full moon reflected off his deep blue sapphire eyes. His eyes were Beautiful, the kind of beauty that could pierce through your soul, and I could feel it piercing through mine. His eyes were not the soulless eyes you would expect of a killer, they were full of emotion, full of rage, sadness, and hostility. I was left speechless where I stood. I couldn't see what he looked like, or anything about him. All I could see were his eyes. I mentally noted every single detail of them. I could feel him staring directly into my mind, into my soul. Such a cold stare, yet with eyes I couldn't look away from.

Suddenly I noticed his eyes were not the only thing the moonlight revealed. Something was in his hand, a knife. I finally broke eye contact to look down at the knife, and the second I did it was thrown in my direction. I stepped back to try and brace for impact, but the knife never hit me. Out of the corner of my eye I saw it go past me and I looked back. He had not aimed for me, he had aimed for Mila. Mila screamed in pain and fell backwards. I ran to help her, but he was too fast. He rushed to me, grabbed the back of my head, and slammed me to the ground. The pain shot through my body, but I didn't scream. I tried to get back up, but he placed his foot on my back and forced me to stay down.

He walked past me and straight to Mila, I tried to get up once more. A horrible pain came over my body causing me to collapse. I had broken a rib. As he walked towards her, I saw him in the light for the first time. I could only see the back of him though. He was wearing black pants that had stitches all over them, most likely from injuries, black combat boots, and a white hoodie covered in new and old blood stains. I also noted he had jet black hair that was slightly long. He was surprisingly tall, but I suppose he has been killing for quite a few years, so he has gotten older.

I screamed for him to stop as he went to Mila, and tore the knife out of her as he twisted it, making Mila produce a deafening scream. I watched as he took the knife and turned back into my direction, and started walking towards me. I was shocked, first he had aimed at Mila even though she was farther than me, and now he's ignoring her and going for me? I tried to push myself up but failed and collapsed to the ground once more.

I looked up, and this is when I saw his face. His insanely disturbing face. He had pale white skin, with burn marks all around his blue eyes, and the most terrifying part, his smile. He had a large smile carved into his face, the scars looked like they had healed many times and then re-cut into his face repeatedly. As he got closer to me I could see the healed burn marks on him. My mind was racing, I was trying to figure out what this meant, and who he was. I could feel tears running down my cheeks. I thought of all my theories of who he could be.

He went in front of me and knelt down to where I was on the ground, then pulled my head up by my hair so I was facing him. He held the knife to my throat. I looked into his eyes once more, my vision blurred by my tears.

Suddenly, everything clicked. Suddenly I realized who this was.

"Go. To. Slee-"


The Theory. (A Jeff The Killer Story) (JeffxReader)Where stories live. Discover now