Chapter Twenty-Five. The Mansion.

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After Jeff announced our presence, a few people walked out into the foyer where we were standing. One of them was a short girl, she had black pigtails and bangs, with a blue dress. Another was a tall man, he had dark brown hair, and was wearing a blue mask and a black hoodie. There were two other boys, one had brown hair, a blue and brown hoodie, yellow work goggles, and a silver mouthguard. He kept jerking certain parts of his body in different directions, it seemed he might have some sort of ticing disorder like Tourettes. The other boy had brown hair, a black hoodie, blue-ish goggles, and a gas mask. The boy with the mouthguard appeared a few years older than the one with the gas mask, but they seemed like friends.

The short girl jumped towards me.

"Oooh, she's so pretty Jeff! I didn't know you had a girlfriend! Nina is going to be sooooo jealous!" She said

"Damn it, I bet Helen 15 dollars that you were gay." The one with the blue mask said.

"Ok, first of all, she's not my girlfriend, yet, second of all, Jack, you and Helen fucking what now?" Jeff said.

"She's not your girlfriend? Oh, forget what I said then." The one apparently named Jack said.

"Oh, but you two have matching smiles! Well, I guess so do you and Nina." The girl said

"Nina and I don't have matching smiles, she cut her smile herself, however, yes me and y/n do have matching smiles. I cut hers myself." Jeff said proudly

"Yeah, thanks for that jackass. Anyways, these your friend?" I said.

"Tch. No eyes over there is Jack, the girl is Lulu, she also has no eyes I guess, the one ticing there is toby, and then the one with the gas mask is x-virus." Jeff said.

"My name is Cody dipshit." The one with the gasmask said.

"Get a more memorable name then, god damn..." Jeff said.

"I'm Y/n. I literally have no idea how I got here. Nice to meet you all." I said.

Suddenly from behind the corner, a short boy who kinda looks like Link from Zelda but with rabies came out and spoke.

"Y/n, that's a pretty name, for a pretty lady." He winked.

"BEN, go play with yourself in your room you horny discord mod," Jeff said. BEN walked away sadly.

"Well, you're kinda going to live here now," Jeff said.

"I would ask more questions, but I'm starting to accept the fact that nothing in my life makes sense," I said.

"Yeah, I told you to do that like forever ago." He said.

Suddenly a tall figure appeared before us. I felt static fill my mind, but soon it left. Jack, Lulu, Toby, and Cody left the area when he appeared. I looked up at him and felt a sense of fear but at the same time a sense of comfort.

"Welcome home child..."

The End.

The Theory. (A Jeff The Killer Story) (JeffxReader)Where stories live. Discover now