Chapter Nineteen. The plan.

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I picked up a pillow and threw it at Nick.


"Hey, it was for a good cause, also, literally any of that information right there would have been useful for me to have beforehand." He said

"Please. You wouldn't have believed me." I said

"Yeah, that's true, but at this point, I don't think your lying." He said

"Are you going to report this?" I asked

"No. People are going to think you're crazy. I mean if you had told me this earlier I would have thought you were crazy as fuck." He said

"Well then Officer smartass, what's the plan? Since somehow you always come up with something." I said

"Attract him to you, collect evidence, expose his identity. Clean and simple." He said


"Well, we already know he doesn't want to kill you. And for some reason, he cares about your approval, so it shouldn't be hard to attract him." He said

"What? How do you know either of those?" I said

"Well he took you to the hospital and never tried to kill you when you were hostage, and apparently he got upset when you called him ugly?" He said

"Well, ok sure, but he cut my face open and told me I could be beautiful like him, and then I told him he was disgusting, then he told me I was ungrateful and he was going to make me beautiful. Yeah, then he stopped feeding me and stuff." I said.

"Well then, looks like he was on ulterior motives." He said.

"I'm sorry can I just cut in and say WHAT THE FUCK." Mila yelled

"Will you do it?" Nick asked

"Do what?" I said

"Will you let him get close to you, or even talk to him?" He said. I paused, I could feel my scar sting just at the memory. But this was to get him caught, for the great good of this world. I had to do it, I would be a coward if I didn't.

"Alright. I can do it. But you swear you won't let me die?" I said

"I promise." He said

"Yeah great for you guys but what's my part in this?" Mila asked

"Uhhhh, you can be the helpful crafty best friend who always gets its wacky situations," I said

"This isn't a rom-com y/n." She said

"Well then, you can help with my research!" I said as I pointed to my desk.

"Sounds easy enough." She said. She then got some cereal out and started eating it dry. I started to overthink for a moment. Mila noticed.

"Girl, wheres that fearless badass idiot I know and love? You can do this, you've talked to him before you can do it again." Mila said. I felt better after her encouragement.

"You're right. I can do this!" I smiled

"Alright, we have to make a plan though," Nick said

"Well, you could just leave me alone at night with my window unlocked. It doesn't look like a trap but it doesn't look like I'm protected either. I think he would fall for it." I said

"I mean, that's insanely dangerous," Nick said.

"Yeah, but I have a feeling he won't go near me when there are other people around. So it might just be the only way to do this." I said

"Alright, but you're keeping my gun with you." He said

"Okay. Mila, can he stay at your place for the night? It's the only way he can stay in the building and close enough in case something goes wrong." I said

"...Whatever. He's sleeping on the couch though." Mila said

"Oh, I don't plan on sleeping. Not through this." He said

"Didn't you pull an all-nighter last night tho?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'll be fine." He said. I disagreed but moved on.

"It's almost noon now. You guys slept in late." Mila said

"Well, I guess now we just have to kill time. Mila, we should leave around eight." Nick said. Mila glared at him for telling her what to do.

For eight hours we watched movies, played Uno(Mila punched nick in the eye because she forgot to say Uno and he said it for her), ate food, went through research, and Mile helped me prepare an outfit. When it was time to leave, Nick handed me his gun. I hugged Mila as tightly as I could. I was terrified, I wanted to tell them not to leave. To stay and protect me. But I had to do this. Then they left. I tried to act as normally as I could and got ready for bed. I unlocked the window as discreetly as I could, it was dark outside. Once it was nine I lay down in bed, in my dark room, the gun on my left side under the covers, and I checked my phone one last time. It seemed as if seconds after I opened my phone I received a text from Mila's contact, which I knew was Jeff.

(The following is in text format.)


Idiot bestie (Mila love <3)


So, you like to spend time

with other guys now huh?

Um, pardon me. Literally,

mind your own business.

I'm just wondering what made

you think I'd be ok with that.

He's a cop. He was watching over me.

Get over yourself, you don't run my life.

You really wanna piss me off right

now? Do you think that's smart?

I'm just saying, you kidnap me and cut

me and then take me to a hospital.

Mixed messages, pick a side.

I hate how dense you are.

Don't you get it?

I'm trying to save you.

Save me? Cutting my face open was

saving me? Saving me from what,

having a social life?

You'll see. You just can't understand yet.

They still have your mind. I just need to free you.


Type your message here..... Send ->


(Text format over)

I put down my phone. I can't talk to this crazy fucker. I grabbed my blankets and wished Nick was here. I felt so unsafe. I looked at my window and i-


It was open.

The Theory. (A Jeff The Killer Story) (JeffxReader)Where stories live. Discover now