Getting them here.

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I don't own. This belongs to their respective owners. I make no money of this.

It had been a month since the events of Civil War, Tony Stark was helping Rhodey with his PT while Pepper watcher suddenly they disappeared in a flash of golden light.

Team Captain America was in Wakanda when suddenly a golden flash cascaded in the room taking them all.

T'Challa was Talking to Shuri when they were taken in a flash of golden light.

Bruce, Thor and Loki were talking it had been about a week since Asgard's destruction, they too were kidnapped when they were cloaked in a golden light.

Peter Parker, Michelle Jones, and Ned Leeds were discussing his recent identity reveal when they saw a blast of golden light and the room was left empty.

Dr. Strange was on a walk, his forehead still in pain from having an eye forced into it. He Wong and America were suddenly blasted with golden light left their previously occupied spot empty.

Nick Fury and Maria Hill were talking when the car they were in was filled with golden light. When it left so had they.

The Guardians of the Galaxy were on their way towards a mission to save a ship, whose distress single they had detected. The ship was left empty after a flash of light took them.

Scott Lang and Hope van Dyne were preparing for him to go sub-atomic when they saw nothing but a golden flash and were gone.

Captain Marvel was flying through space when suddenly a flash, golden in color, enveloped her. When it was gone, so was she.

When they all came to they were in a room with no doors or windows. Seeing this and a bunch of strangers, it was immediate chaos. Guns were drawn, armor was put on, swords were unsheathe and spells were cast. When suddenly a massive figure appeared in the middle of them

"Please, do not attack each other! Put the weapons away!" the figure said.

"Sure, and why should we do that," Rocket asked.

The figure was about to respond when a voice interrupted.

"It would be no use," this time it was Dr. Strange's turn to speak hiding his third eye. "He is to powerful, nothing would have an effect."

"I am Utah the Watcher. My job is to watch over all events in the universe. While I am not supposed to interfere, I have been told to do so. I have a special task set for you guys so as to prevent a terrible future. Spider-Man, Michelle Jones and Ned Leeds has live through so much and it shall only get worse. Wong, America Chavez, and Dr. Strange lived though one just as bad but the one who ordered me to interfere and I aim to prevent this." The now name Utah said.

"Why should we trust yo,?" This response came from every one but Wong and Stephen Strange.

"How do you know our names," This came from the Spider-trio.

"It is my job to know everything in the multiverse. As for why you should trust me, well do you have any other option? "

As much as they hated it they had to agree. Without him they were stuck. They were jolted out of their thoughts when he spoke again.

"Please, introduce yourselves."

Not having any other option, they did so. Once they did so as well as told when they were taken from they waited further instructions. Peter had to stop himself from sobbing when Tony introduced himself.

"Good now you are to watch an alternate version of yourself. One where you all are much more powerful and deal with much worse. My hope is that you shall learn their abilities and be able to stop the coming future."

The question that everyone wanted to know was what are we reacting to.

"We shall start with the death of a member here. We will react to the Death of Doctor Strange."

The room was silent then simultaneously they turned to face a poker faced, yet still unconformable man. Then chaos claimed the room once more.

AN) So this is my first fanfic. I plan to do more. Also sorry for any cringe. I only intend to have them react to comics. I will take requests after death of Doctor Strange is completed.

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