2 (𝙿𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚜𝚜)

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It has been months since yn became a part of jeon family . Mr and Mrs jeon legally adopted her.

At first jungkook could not stomach that she was his sister but after seeing her presence everyday in the house he could not stop himself to play with her. When ever her doe eyes would contact with his eyes he would  forget that he is a bratty child he just couldn't be rude to her. He first time grew a soft side of him which was only for his Princess. He would always play with her after coming back from school and she would giggle everytime he would make funny faces.



Jungkook just came back from his school, the first thing he was willing to see was you. He went to your room where you were sleeping deeply in your crib

"Oh princess" He softly mumbled when his gaze fell on you after entering your room. you were sleeping with a little pout, hands up near your head looking extremely adorable for his eyes.

He let his hand move towards your little hands and rest his little finger on your little palm . You in your sleep closed your fist holding his finger which made him giggle. "My princess is so cute" He said.

"Young master please change your uniform and have lunch " a maid said to jungkook in a lower tone after entering inside . Jungkook rolled his eyes getting annoyed from the maid as she ruined the moment with his princess.

"Coming " He rudely whispered to maid not wanting to disturb your sleep. After giving a last glance to your petite sleeping figure he left the room.


Baby cries were heard from your room which means your were up from your sleep that made the 7 year old pause from finishing his lunch . Jungkook stopped eating and stood up running towards your room.

Jungkook entered your room and saw the 5 months old baby crying he went near and slowly took you in his arms " Oh why my princess is crying " He said rocking her back and forth in his arms. " Are you hungry princess " He asked her like she could understand his words. " Hey you bring something for my princess, she is hungry " Jungkook coldly said to the maid who also came inside after hearing your cries.

" Yes young master " The bowed and left.

The maid came back with milk bottle and handed it to jungkook.

Jungkook's pov

I made her sit on my laps and took the bottle near her her lips she slowing started drinking the milk from bottle. The way her lips wrapped around the nipple of the bottle was making her look so cute she wasn't crying now I knew she was hungry.

I took the bottle away from her after she finished her milk and wiped the leftover milk stain from her lips and felt the softness it. I noticed she has small pouty red lips. Suddenly an urge to kiss her lips rose in me.

Author's pov

He slowly moved his towards her lips and gave her a long kiss .


𝙷𝚒𝚜 𝙰𝚍𝚍𝚒𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 1  || 𝙹. 𝙹𝙺 ☑Where stories live. Discover now